chapter twenty-one

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"Right, time for another year," Ron says as we all exit the Hogwarts Express and make our way towards the carriages. Arthur took Harry to his meeting in the Ministry and luckily, Dumbledore showed up and eventually, all the charges against him were dropped and he was able to return to school. 

"I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you run around free, Potter." I turn around to see Draco walk past us, Crabbe and Goyle by his side. "You better enjoy it while you can," he continues, glancing at me quickly before looking back at Harry. "I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it."

Harry then goes to lunge at Draco, but Ron quickly grabs his arms and holds him back. I look at Draco and shake my head, telling him just to leave. "What did I tell you? Absolute nutter," he scoffs as he walks away. "Just stay away from me!" Harry yells, a pissed off look on his face.

"Ignore him," I mutter, pulling Harry's arm as we leave the station and make our way towards the carriages in the woods. As we get halfway through the path, a carriage is pulled away and Neville walks up beside us.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, Neville," we all reply.

I look over at Harry and see him facing the carriage, looking up into the sky. "What is it?" He asks, wonder on his face. We all turn around and I see the others are as confused as I am. "What's what?" I ask. "That! Pulling the carriage," Harry replies.

"Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry... it's pulling itself, like always," Hermione says. Harry walks around to the side of the carriage, us all following him, and that's when I see the girl sat inside it, reading a wizarding magazine. 

"You're not going mad," she says, lowering her newspaper to reveal her face. "I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am." I chuckle slightly as we all get in. "Guys, this is Luna Lovegood, she's a fourth year Ravenclaw student," I tell everyone, Luna giving me a kind smile. 

"What an interesting necklace," Hermione says, after a brief, awkward silence. "It's a charm, actually," Luna replies, "keeps away the Nargles." 

Everyone looks incredibly confused. I chuckle slightly, as they all give me a strange look. "Nargles are known as mischievous thieves and they often hide in mistletoe." Luna nods her head approvingly.

"Hungry, I hope there's pudding," she comments and I just smile at her, her weirdness always makes me feel happy.


I take a large bite of my dessert, students in the Great Hall talking and gossiping, probably about people's summers and what everyone thinks they'll get up to this year. 

As I'm chewing, I see Seamus flash Harry quite a dirty glance, so when we look at each other, I subtly nod my head towards him and give him a look asking why he did that. Harry just shrugs, which makes me glance at Seamus briefly before Dumbledore brings everyone's attention towards him.

"Good evening, children! Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We are pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking care of Magical Creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave."

I look at the group and they all have confused looks on their faces, wondering why Hagrid isn't currently sat at the staff table. 

"We also wish to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge." A high chuckle emerges from the lady sat next to Snape, dressed from head to toe in bright pink. "And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck. As usual our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you--"

Dumbledore looks back in confusion at Umbridge, who's just interrupted him and watches her stand up, move around the table and towards where he is standing.

"She was at my hearing," Harry whispers to all of us, making us whip our heads round to him and then back at the pink lady, "she works for Fudge."

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome," she says aloud, before turning to look over all the students. "And how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me."

I look around to see absolutely no one smiling.

"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." I look down the table to see Fred and George roll theirs eyes and mutter simultaneously, "That's likely." I chuckle as the woman continues talking.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards a vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged."

"This is absolute madness," I comment, taking another bite of my pudding.

"Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited," she finishes, chuckling again which honestly makes me want to keel over and die. 

She walks off and a scattered, half-hearted applause follows her. "What a load of waffle," Ron says, followed by Harry asking what that entire load of garbage meant. 

"It means that the Ministry is interfering with Hogwarts," Hermione says as Dumbledore finishes his speech and we all make our way to the Common Room.

Me and Harry walk in and instantly, eyes fall on him as we walk through, various students - including Seamus - reading the Daily Prophet. "Dean, Seamus. Good holiday?" Harry asks. "Alright," Dean responds, "better than Seamus'."

Said Irish student then stands up and walks into the middle of the room. "Me mam didn't want me to come back this year," he says, staring Harry in the face. "Why?" I ask, standing beside Harry, my arms folded. "Let's see, uh... because of Harry. The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you Harry and about Dumbledore, as well."

"What, and your mum believes them?" Harry asks. "Well, nobody was there the night Cedric died," Seamus says, which then pisses me off. "I guess you should read the Prophet then, like your stupid mother, it'll tell you everything you need to know!"

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!" Seamus counteracts, and I just scoff at him, not threatened by him at all. "I'll have a go at anyone who calls Harry a liar!" I say as I storm upstairs.

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