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The last chapter made mention of Davia. That was an error guys, the woman who is allegedly suppose to marry Dario is called Milana not Davia.

Carry on🤗


"Cosa mi hai detto?"(What did you say to me?)

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"Cosa mi hai detto?"
(What did you say to me?)

"Wait. I-I didn't mean that Dario. I swear it slipped out."

"Dillo di nuovo"
(Say it again)

"D-dario please. I'm sorry I'm so sorry. B-baby please" I stopped right in my tracks. She's serious ? She actually thought that little pet name would calm me down ? Was it because I told her that she belongs to me and that I made it clear that we are together. That does not mean I expect these ridiculous couple things. I am far from affectionate and I don't love her. It's the fact that she thought calling me that would prevent a punishment that's funny to me. I chuckled and slowly made my way to hear.

"Ti aspetti che mostri pietà perché mi hai chiamato piccola?"
(Do you expect me to show mercy because you called me baby?)

She stood there glaring at me but I could tell she was putting on a front. I could see it in her eyes that she was nervous--scared but she was trying to act brave as usual. I yanked her by her hair making her look up at me.

"Non prendermi per un cucciolo malato d'amore che sarà uno sciocco per te Kiara." I spat before flying her onto the bed.
(Don't take me for a lovesick puppy who will be a fool for you Kiara.)


"Che tu ci creda o no Kiara

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"Che tu ci creda o no Kiara .. Non ti amo ma non desidero maltrattarti. Te l'ho già detto"
(Believe it or not Kiara .. I don't love you but I don't want to mistreat you. I've already said.)

I couldn't even speak. I was pissed at him and I didn't want to say anything I'd end up regretting. I was rude I know that and I did disrespect him but he didn't have to fucc me that hard. I never thought sex could be a punishment but this was brutal. I'm surprised I'm standing right now. Between my legs are so sore I don't even know how I'll go through with the plan tonight.

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