Chapter 4

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June 31st

Mack's pov

I had arrived at my dorm in the morning, after the flight into New York and it was, to say the least, HUGE! Much bigger than what it was supposed to be. It was a literal mansion! I heard arguing in one of the ten rooms. I guess my roommates got here early too.



Someone stormed out of the room, I'm guessing it was Angelica, just a guess. She had pink silk pajamas and her hair was dark and very poofy, I'm guessing that's why she needed a brush. The one I'm guessing was named Eliza came out of the room. She had a pink brush in her hand. Angelica narrowed her eyes and ran after Eliza. "ELIZA YOU LIAR!!"

"Psst!" I heard someone from behind me. She was in clothing identical to Angelica's, but in yellow. "Trust me you do not want to be here when they are in a fight. I'm guessing you're our roommate. I'm Peggy Schuyler." She said with a smile.

"I'm Mackenzie Rivera, but my friends call me Mack. I'm guessing those are your sisters?"

"Yeah. They always fight like this. Do you wanna go grab something to eat while they, umm, settle down?"

"Yeah sure." We ended up going to get Starbucks. We went back to the dorm and as soon as I walked in Angelica and Eliza introduced themselves. So obviously I introduced myself. We talked all day and became pretty good friends.

"Hey, do you guys want to meet some friends of mine?" I asked.

"Yeah sure!" They said.

I texted Emily and Adriana and asked them to meet us in the cafe.

"Ok, they are on the way"

A few minutes later they arrived.

"Hi!" Emily said.

"Hey guys. These are my roommates, Angelica, Eliza-"

"AND PEGGY!" Peggy yelled.

I chuckled. We ended up hanging out until dinner.

"Well we got to go." Said Eliza.

"Mack you coming?" Angie said.

"Um yeah I'll catch up in a second."

"K then we'll go get dinner!" Peggy said, being very excited.

They walked off and Emily said, "Yeah, you don't make friends easily?" referring to a conversation we had on the plane. I smirked.

"Well anyway who are your roommates?" I asked.

"Well we have each other, a girl named Marley, and another girl that I don't really remember her name." said Adriana.

"Cool, well I'll see you guys later?" I asked and ran off.

I met Peggy, Angelica, and Eliza at the dorm. We ended up getting Olive Garden, which was my favorite restaurant. I got my favorite thing, pasta alfredo, and shrimp. And yes, I did get it off the kids' menu. Eliza had baked ziti. Angelica had 7 bowls of soup, and Peggy had the five-cheese ziti al forno (Basically baked-ziti with a lot of cheese). When the check came, we all clamored for it. They ended up paying due to me losing an arm wrestle against Angelica.

"Fine, but tomorrow I'm paying!" we all laughed.

We got back to the dorm and I claimed my room.

I locked myself in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

I let out a sob I didn't even know I had.

I composed myself and looked back in the mirror.

Peggy's pov

Still June 31st

After dinner Angelica and Eliza went on a double date, which I don't understand why they went to dinner if they were going to go out, but they did! I decided to ask Mack if she wanted to play a game and she agreed. She was nice; I knew we were gonna be good friends. She was beautiful, but skinny. She went to the bathroom and I heard a weird sound that sounded like a cry come out, but a second later the bathroom was silent. I went to go get a game and came upstairs to see if Mack had come out. I heard...throwing up?

"MACK ARE YOU OK?!" I asked...well shouted.

She coughed and said "y-yeah, probably just ate too much" she said coming out of the bathroom.

"Ok then? Do you wanna play the Game of Life or Twister?"

"TWISTER!!" she said excitedly. "Sorry it's just no one ever wants to play." she said nervously.

After a few rounds we played truth or dare.

"Pegs, truth or dare?"

"Umm dare"

"I dare you to go out in the hallway TOMORROW night, because more people will be here, and scream something that you are in love with somebody, it doesn't matter who."

I nodded and asked, "Truth or dare?"


Dang it I wasn't prepared. "Ummm let me look one up."

We found a bunch of dares and said we would close our eyes and whatever one we land on we must do.

"Hahaha. You have to do the same thing as me, tomorrow as well." I said laughing.

We kept going on like this for a while until we ended up going to bed.

"It's kind of weird that your sisters aren't back yet." Mack said.

As if on cue, the two girls walked in. We all ended up going to bed, and so Mack and I weren't lonely, (and so we could hang out more) we bunked together. Today was a good day, I thought to myself.

Mack's pov (Again)

Still that night

I got my book from my bag and got on the top bunk. "The Shining" I thought to myself. What could I say, I'm a fan of anything horror including Stephen King?

I was happy that I was friends with Peggy, she was one of the nicest people ever.

I smiled to myself. Maybe she could help me and-No she won't help me. If she found out she would be upset and would do something. I won't tell her. But what if she could help-NO. I debated in my head. I let out a small whimper from my head hurting, which was from the arguing in my head. Oh god, I'm such a baby I can't even help myself!

"Mack, you good?" Peggy asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said convincing myself more than Peggy, because in reality, I wasn't okay. 

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