Chapter 43

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Evania held her hand out in front of her, watching the snowflakes land on her palm. She watched with a gentle smile as they slowly melted against her skin. Though she was cold, and expected to feel hollow and empty standing out in the snow, she found herself the exact opposite. She felt almost warm by comparison. Her chest thumping with a familiar heartbeat, while the warmth of her best friend still lingered on her skin.

She turned her head towards the crunching of snow and found herself looking up at Sylvia who was watching her with a gentle smile. The succubus unfortunately had to give up her usual slightly revealing attire in favor of warmer clothing. She was alive after all though clearly warmer than one might expect. She was wearing a blue blazer and black snow pants with snow boots and a bright blue beanie on her head. Evania by comparison was in her regular clothing, as the cold did not bite at her like it would most people.

Being a vampire had some perks she supposed. Though usually that feeling of indifference was quickly replaced by a hollow emptiness that seeped into everything that she was. She expected this feeling to creep up on her but if anything she was uncharacteristically warm. Or, it would be if it wasn't something she had been feeling almost everyday for the last few months.

The succubus was without a doubt the best thing that had ever happened to her.

Sylvia pulled her black gloves over her hands, testing her grip for a moment before grinning ear to ear like an excited puppy. "I'm so glad it snowed today!"

Evania raised a playful eyebrow at her. I told you it would.

"But how are you supposed to know? Did you suddenly learn how to read the weather?"

No, but I have a cellphone and can just google it. Evania answered, pulling her phone from her pocket and quickly switching to her weather app before showing Sylvia who's violet eyes examined the screen with a raised eyebrow.

"These stupid little things can tell you the weather as well?" Sylvia asked, her hand reaching towards her pocket like she was debating on pulling out her own phone.

They can be a lot more useful than just texts and calls. I keep trying to tell you that but you don't listen. Evania rolled her eyes.

"I'll have to sit down and listen then." Sylvia shrugged before looking back out towards the small field ahead of them. They were still on the campus but it was ungodly early in the morning, which was proven by the fact the sun had yet to rise and the sky was still just as dark as it had been all night. So no one was really awake yet. Evania had been woken up by the Succubus who dragged her out of bed and told her to get dressed. That there was something that Sylvia really, really wanted to do with her before doing anything else.

Sylvia had brought them to the front lawn of the school where the ground had been untouched by footprints, and instead had a little less than a foot of snow covering the ground. The roads and walkways had already been either shoveled or melted, the latter likely by magic of some kind.

Evania raised a curious eyebrow at Sylvia as she seemed to close her eyes and take a deep breath like she was simply enjoying the atmosphere. So, why did you drag me out here before the sun even came up? We could sill be in bed sleeping, or doing anything else.

"Oh my Eva, how you tease me so." Sylvia grinned a bit. "As if I could wake you up just to have sex with you and you wouldn't claw my eyes out. We both know you don't like being woken up."

Is that why you scrambled away as soon as I woke?

"Well I can't rightly take you out here if I'm dead, can I?" Syliva smiled down at her treasure.

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