Chapter 1

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As I button up my uniform, a tear runs down my cheek. 'This is it', I think to myself. I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk towards the end of my driveway.

The cold wind lightly brushes my face as I hear the sound of an engine roaring. I look up to see the bus that I've been waiting for. 'Army Recruits' the sign on top of the bus reads. I start waving my hand around, signalling the bus to stop and pick me up.

As the door opens I slowly step onto the bus and hear a deep voice asking; "Name please?" I reply with "Callie Fletcher." He runs his finger down the page of names and taps what looks like mine. "Ah yes, one of our youngest! Good luck Fletcher." He says with a smile. I smile back and take a seat at the back of the bus next to the window.

About half an hour passed and the other recruits started piling on, which meant the seats were filling up fast. "HEY EVERYONE! THIS IS OUR LAST STOP AND THEN WE HAVE A 6 HOUR DRIVE TO THE CAMP GROUNDS!" The bus driver yelled, making me focus all my attention to the front of the bus. 2 males walked in, looking about the same age as me. "HEY FLETCHER, MEET THE OTHER YOUNG'NS!" The bus driver yelled to me causing the 2 boys to look my way. Both started walking towards me, one sat next to me and the other on the seat behind.

"What's your name young'n?" The curly haired boy next to me asks with a chuckle. "I'm Callie, and you?" I reply. "Luke. And this is my best mate Christian." He says introducing both himself and his friend.

"So tell me a bit about yourself miss Callie. What's your story?" Luke continues on the conversation. I guess he's trying to make this bus ride less boring for both me, him and Christian.

"Well my name is Callie Madeline Fletcher. I'm 19 years old and have wanted to be involved in the army since I was about 12? Ummm.. I like basketball and um I don't know. You tell me about yourself Luke. I'm boring." I finish with a laugh, causing him to smile.

"Well hey I'm Luke Anthony Mark Brooks. I'm also 19 years old and I joined the army because I want to fight for my country, and also because my uncle died whilst fighting in the army and I want to continue his legacy. I enjoy basketball as well, which is how I met Christian. When I bet his ass on court; 87-43!" He starts to laugh so bad that I think I can see some tears forming. Christian hits him lightly over the head. "It was a fluke, plus I had just recovered from a sprained wrist!" He says defending his pride. "You keep telling people that bro.." Luke says bursting out in laughter yet again.

"How about you Christian?" I ask curiously. "How about me what?" He asks with a confused look on his face. "What's your story?" I ask.

"Well my name is Christian as you know. Middle name Jack, last name White. I turned 20 yesterday, and I like basketball too. I'm actually better than Luke." He says with a wink causing me to laugh. "It's not true, I promise." Luke whispers to me. "I joined the army because Luke did. We're best buddies and I stick by him through everything. He didn't want to go through this alone. And now he doesn't have to." Christian continues. "You make me sound like a pussy!" Luke sarcastically yells. This causes me and the 2 boys to laugh and talk some more.

After a while, I begin to lean my head against the window and slowly closed my eyes. I have 5 more hours on this bus. Might as well pass time with sleeping.

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