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George had come back to the common room looking giddy as ever, skipping in through the door where Cherry and Fred still stood in their embrace, who had immediately let go of the second George came into the room.

He noticed, and wiggled his eyebrows at his twin, gesturing to the pink haired girl who was blushing near him. "Guys!" he said, pointing to his still glam looking face. "Angie liked meh makeup! She said it looked radical," he beamed, the light practically radiating off his face.

"See Fred? I'm not the only one who used that word," Cherry said laughing. "And Angelina's right, you do look quite radical."

Smiling at Fred, he winked at her and she blushed as George just stood there, looking at the two, a smirk on his face.


"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George! Ready Cher?"

"Oh, I'm here baby."

Cherilyn Way, Fred, and George Weasley stood by the mausoleum door, in the darkness of the common room. The moon shone on them, watching from above as the three snuck out of the common room, laughing the whole way, with Fred shushing them so they didn't get caught by Snape or Filch, or some other teacher who liked to walk the grounds at night.

Fred had the Marauders map in his hands, glancing down at it every few seconds, making sure that no one had been in the corridors, or in their way as they snuck out of their dorms that night. Cherry had been introduced to the map earlier that day; she was mesmerized by the use of magic, wondering who had created it. And who the hell was Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs? They were such weird nicknames she'd thought.

The three ran up the steps to the astronomy tower, and Cherry cast Alohomora on the lock to the outside as the rest of the three crowded through the door, letting the cool night air hit them as they rushed onto the roof, Cherry closing the door behind them.

Panting, and breathless, with adrenaline pumping though their veins, the three ventured over to the edge of the tower and rested their elbows on the stone edge, the smiling pink haired girl in the middle.

A few minutes later, they were all sitting up on the table at the edge of the open tower, passing back and forth the bottle of fire whiskey, talking, laughing, leaning in onto each other.

The moon shone in the sky above them, a bright crescent shape hovering against the dark vastness, the clouds drifting in and out over it, a halo of light scattering it's drops of silver across the tower, illuminating the dark with it's glow, like the brightest pearl enlaced with silver and dew drops. The quidditch pitch stood below them, the stands bare of the cloth that hung over them during the games.

"George, Cherry, look what I brought!" Fred said from behind them, and when the other two turned to look at him, he was carrying a Nimbus 2000, grinning from ear to ear, his teeth shining in the moon light.

He had stashed it in the corner of the tower earlier that day. It reminded Cherry of how she used to come up to the roof of the castle back when she still went to Beauxbatons to hang up lights and set out a blanket on the gazebo before her and Fleur's late night dates... But she wasn't thinking about that in the moment; she was focusing entirely on the beautiful red haired boy who stood in front of her, the blondie who broke her heart long forgotten. Maybe they never really did love each other...

"Fred! Is that Harry's broomstick?? That's wicked," George said, eyes wide, laughing as he took the broom from Fred, turning it over in his hands for a second before tossing it to Cherry.

"Yeah! He let me borrow it for tonight," Fred laughed.

"Rad!" she said, catching it from George. "Fred, you go!" She tossed it to Fred again who immediately got onto the broom and jumped up off of the tower, making a few circles in the air before Cherry took out her camera and snapped a shot of him riding around on the broom, glowing against the light of the moon, whooping and hooting into the air as the wind rushed past his years and through his red hair.

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