Youtube Arguements!

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Youtube, it's constantly changing it's look for absolutely no reason at all. The newest update has jacked up the comments. So that it doesn't alert you if someone has left a dumbass comment in response to your own. You have to go by yourself and look that up.

That's my first problem about the new setup, the second is the video recommendations. The recommend all the videos I've already seen! The third is that the timeline of my subscribe channels are all whacked. Videos that came out an hour ago might be group with something from a week ago. I just don't like it! And where's the red for the dislikes? Do they think people can't handle red? Is it an angry color?

Well enough about the new format. Because you have to go to your YOUTUBE inbox to see comments to your comments  I revisited some of my old battles of stupidity.

I've been a member of Youtube for almost four years now, but I wasn't a full commenting member until the passed year and a half. And the comment battles started a little after that.

This being the Internet, I find zero reason to hold back. I like to be clever and quick witted with my deliveries. I avoid loopholes and contradictions at all cost, because in a Internet comment battle, they are like slitting your own throat.

Although many of my comments start off innocent, simply me giving my honest opinion about a video, if idiotic words were to blow my way...I am aggressive, firm, and relentless. The last word shall always be mine.

Many of you may be thinking that I've gone off the deep end. Maybe I have or just maybe I've always been there.

So for you to get a better Idea of how these comment battles go down I will give you some of them. Some dating back as far as a year ago. (That's like a thousand years in comment time.)

Example #1

Background: It was a vampire song video. I was looking for a song to go with a chapter of the story my co-writer and I were doing. This short comment battle happened about 7 to 8 months ago. A battle, one which I wasn't involved in was already underway. I was simply agreeing with what they had said.


Person 1: seriously.. vampires are not abominations and the story's about them you hear are untrue and barbaric! so please do not assume you know everything.

Person 2: (in response to P1)

I was talking about the Twilight vampires, you know all sparkly and "vegetarian"...

Also, little girl, if you think about it really hard, all stories about vampires are untrue! They aren't real! and if you want barbaric, Norwegians believed unicorns ate people. The older the story, the more violet the mythology gets. Now, next time you think about replying, use your brain and think what you are going to say and it's "stories" not "story's"   [3 likes]

Person 1: (in response to P2)

oh wow you are really funny you are, what are you 9?? i was making a simple opinion and so is everyone else so what is the point in trying to be clever.. simple facts that you probably got off of Wikipedia are not always true so do shut up and go get in your hole, thank you that is all.

Person 2:

I'm 16... and I stated my opinion, which you simply ignored

I don't like Twilight styled vampires, nor the story in general, that's my opinion, what's wrong with that? I've grown up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel and when I was little I remember seeing Lost Boys and Interview with a Vampire, well just bits, I wasn't really suppose to be watching but... you know...

ME!: (in response to P2)

Interview with a Vampire has to be the best vampire movie ever! Well besides the original Dracula. Vampires are monsters and not some girl's boyfriend, We should keep them that way! Sparkle free!!

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