Chapter V

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(Callen's POV)

"We screwed up, didn't we?" Danny whispered; I nodded my head.

"Go get ready, let's go and visit Elsa at the hospital, maybe we will get our sister back," I told them. They look determined to get Elsa back, they got ready in less than 30 minutes, Dad drove us to the hospital. Ben was entering the hospital when we reach,

"Ben!" I called out, he turned and saw us, he gave us a small smile.

"What's that?" I asked pointing to a bag he was holding,

"Oh that, E, asked for few books and instead of borrowing, I brought it for her, she loves to add to her collection" Ben chuckled softly. My sister loved to read, and I did not know anything about it.

"You don't about her collection, do you?" Ben questioned my brothers and me. We shook our heads.

"I was right, you guys don't know a single thing about your own sister, no wonder she loves spending time in my house" Ben stated, we blushed in embarrassment.

He led us to Elsa's room, we saw mum and Sophia chatting with Bella,

"Hey, E I got you the books you wanted" Ben spoke while entering the room,

"Really! Ben, you are the best, wait did you buy the books? I asked you to borrow it for me!" Elsa scolded Ben he took it while nodding,

"Alright, alright, it's my thanksgiving gift for you," Ben consoled her, and she calmed down after that. She then noticed us in the room, she stopped smiling and had a blank face on,

"Why are you guys here?" She asked us emotionlessly, we, the boys, froze.

"Yeah, why are you here? My best friend needs to recover not be hurt more" we heard a voice behind us, we turned to see an Asian looking girl entering the room.

"Hey, Anna, your parents dropped you off right?" Ben asked her, she nodded.

She looked back at me expecting an answer while she sat on Elsa's bed.

"She is my sister; I have the rights to be here" I answered confidently.

"Hahaha, that was the biggest joke I heard so far" Sophia laughed, Ben hushed her.

I saw Anna reading Elsa medical chart, "Hey, El, you have a concussion, did they give you the meds for it yet?" she asked while reading the chart. I was shocked how did she know that from reading a chart.

"No, they cannot give it to me yet, I am just coming out of surgery a few hours ago, if they give it to me the side effects will be untreatable. You know this was the topic we have for essay for the holidays. I have more things to write now" Elsa chuckled, and once again I am confused as hell.

"Your sister's IQ is off the chart. She is now in FSS, that school is for students with high IQ and it's a combination of high school and university" Ben whispered to my brothers and I before walking back to Elsa, he kissed her forehead and bid farewell. When I saw that I was jealous, I should be the one kissing her forehead, not Ben. Ben saw my expression and he smirked.

"I, we are sorry Elsa" I started but was cut off by my sister,

"I am sorry, but I have no time to listen to fake apologise, I have assignments to do and books to read," she said calmly, that was when I decided that I will show her my apology through actions.

"Hey, Elsa, I have got you your medical reports. You can use this for your essay assignments" a doctor entered smiling, he passed Elsa a file, and she squealed when she flipped through the file.

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