chapter 28

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"Messenger Angels," Grey stated in confusion.

"They were the ones that gave my parents the message about my birth and my soulmate," Ariel whispered to Grey.

Grey nodded his head before he spoke, "Maybe they are the distinct visitors Mom was talking about," he said. 

"Your Mom told you they were coming?" Ariel asked. 

"Yes," Grey said.

"You are welcome," Raguel said as he stood up to acknowledge their presence. 

"Thank you," one of the messengers said as she sat down with the other Angel.

When they were seated, one of the messenger's eyes met Grey’s. She studied him intensely.

Grey shifted uncomfortably from her excessive staring.

The messenger Angel later averted her eyes from Grey which made him release the breath he never knew he was holding. Grey was not feeling comfortable. He did not know what to expect from them. He absentmindedly trailed his fingers down Ariel's arm. 

Ariel looked at her soulmate and she could tell he was not feeling settled. She put her hands on his to stop the movement.

"Sorry," Grey said after realizing what he was doing.

"Don't apologize," Ariel said. 

"Are you nervous?" she asked.

Grey looked at her and nodded his head.

"I'm nervous too," Ariel stated. 

She squeezed his hand a little before they each turned their attention to the messenger Angels.

"We have a message for you,” one of the Angels spoke. “All of you," she added.

Everybody nodded their heads and waited for the messenger Angel to proceed.

"The last time we were here, we told you Ariel and her soulmate are unique and will be of great assistance in the future," she said as she pointed at Elena and Raguel who nodded their heads in agreement. “The time has come for them to put their special power to use," the messenger said.

"What does she mean?" Grey whispered.

"I don't know," Ariel whispered back.

"Demons have been troubling the Angels for years now," the messenger said, looking at everybody in the room.

"Demons have done a lot and the Angels can no longer sit back and watch them do what they like with us," the other messenger Angel stated with fury.

"We have to end them before they wipe out our complete existence," the messenger Angel said, looking at Ariel and Grey.

"The two of you are the ones chosen by Heaven to stop the demons from accomplishing their plan. We are all placing our trust on you two," the Angel said quietly.

Ariel glanced at Grey but his expressions were unreadable. She sighed softly as she looked back at the Angels.

"We are waging a war against them to save our race," the Angel said with great determination. "We believe you two won't let us down," the messenger Angel added.

Grey squeezed Ariel's hand tightly. He did not know what to think about what the Angels said.

"What you are saying is that we should prepare for battle against the demons?" Raguel asked.


Raguel nodded his head as he looked at his friend, Michael.

"We will have other Angels here to help you with this war but Grey and Ariel are the ones to lead this war," the Angel said. 

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