Chapter 14

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Third person pov

It’s been two months since Jungkook became fully conscious and with rehabilitation he is getting bit better. He got discharged after 2 weeks he woke up. He went to rehab once a week. During this two months Taekook and Jungkook became closer almost inseparable. Taehyung was so happy. He felt 3 years of loneliness was now being completely filled.

However, no one back in korea knows about Jungkook being alive. Yoongi and Jimin went back to Korea but Taehyung stayed back telling he has painting exhibitions and he is busy. His friends tease telling if he found a French guy and decided to settle in France and Taehyung scolded them for teling such ridiculous things.


‘What?’ Taehyung and Jungkook were on the kitchen and Taekook was watching cartoons. Jungkook was surprised to find out that Taehyung now doing house chores.

‘You sure has gone through a lot for you to be able to do this house chores alone.’

‘Kookie you better stop talking about past before I beat you up with this pan.’

‘wow.. Jin hyung’s influence is no joke.’

‘Kookie.... Shut up.’

‘Ain’t your family asking why you’re not going to Korea soon.’

‘Nope since I told them that I have work here.’

‘I feel bad about fooling our family and friends like this.’

‘Don’t worry they will understand why we’re doing this. Especially they won’t be angry with you because you’re the victim. But they will be mad at Yoongi hyung.’

And they laughed at that. No one can blame Yoongi. He did this to protect everyone and everyone will understand him too. Jungkook can’t wait for the time to come to go back home.

Back at korea

Third person pov

Yoongi asked Jihoon to find any details of Changmin’s illegal business and send everything to him. Yoongi slowly was able to gather everything about Changmin which could be bought to the prosecution center.

He sent all the details to the prosecution center and next day on the news it was shown Changmin is been investigated. Yoongi is partially relieved. Now its time for him to reveal everything he kept for himself to the family. So he gave a call to his family, Taehyung’s family and Mamjoon, Jin and Hoseok.

During the gathering there were discussion about Changmin’s investigation. Everyone were quite surprised. Mr.Jeon is the first one to question about the sudden gathering. But he was interrupted by Taehyung’s father telling that he has to announce something.

‘Sunjae I hope you don’t mind with what I’m going to say. Actually you guys already gave permission so I hope everyone will be happy with the news.’

‘What is it Jae Wook? Just cut the chase and tell what you want to say. Right everyone.’

‘Well I have bought a proposal for Taehyung. He’s a doctor and he agreed to marry Taehyung despite he been a single parent.’

‘Wow Jae Wook congratulations. You don’t have to worry about us. Taehyung has to settle down. Right Sunmi.’

‘Of course that’s right. But we wish to meet our grandson once in a while.’

And there was laughter. Everyone was happy with the news except for Jimin and Yoongi of course. However, Namjoon noticed the worried glances exchanged between Jimin and Yoongi.

‘What’s wrong Jimin and Yoongi hyung? Are you not happy with Taehyung’s marriage. Come on Jimin Tae is your best friend you should be happy for him.’

Jimin just slightly smiled and everyone were looking at Yoongi.

‘Yoongi, Jimin I don’t care if you’re happy or not but I don’t want my brother to stay single.’ Jin said.

‘Its not that. I hope you all will understand what I’m going to say. Just to let you know I did this to protect everyone.’ Yoongi said nervously

‘What are you talking about Yoongi?’Mr.Jeon asked

Yoongi took a deep breath and looked at Jimin for assurance and Jimin hold his hand assuring he will be with him and Yoongi broke the shocking news to everyone. ‘Jungkook is alive.’

Everyone were shocked when Yoongi said that. There was a moment of silence and Mrs.Jeon asked Yoongi to say it again.

‘You said what. Who’s alive? My Jungkook is alive.’ Yoongi nodded at his mother confirming that she heard it right. And once the news settled to them everyone screamed ‘What?’ at the same time. Yoongi told them to calm down and he will explain everything.


Boring isn't it? Only few more chapters left...

Good night everybody....

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