He Protec

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The Brightside💟
Lil Peep


George's Thoughts
Clay's Thoughts

The bell rang and everyone got up to head to their classes. George taps Clays head trying to wake the sleeping boy up.
Gah if he brings it up...
George: "Hey Clay?" He said quietly.
  Clay groans and looks at him giving him a small smile, George sends him a smile back.
  George: "Come on Clay." He giggles and Clay gets up stretching his arms above his head.
George: "Well rested?"
  Clay: "Meh I feel better but not much."
George laughs and grabs Clays sleeve, starting to walk to class.
Should I...no.
George: "I'll walk you to class and I'll come get you after Okay?" He says quietly.
  Clay: "Noo I wanna come get you."
George rolls his eyes and laugh, giving the blonde a nod.
George: "What do you even have?" He cocks his head to the side.
  Clay: "Uhh math." He makes a throwing up noise causing George to laugh and quickly covering his mouth.
They walk to Clays class and say their goodbyes.
  What if he did really hear me?
George started thinking a lot about what had happened, he bit his nails very low and stopped once he stepped inside his class.

*50 minutes later*
*Clays Pov*
First period ended finally, I was attempting to stay up with Tubbo and Techno trying to keep him awake. Right when the bell rung he bolted out of his classroom and headed down the hall to George's.

As he's walking he see's the school fuck boy Brad push George up against a locker staring at him with lust filled eyes. Brad was supposedly straight but he started messing around with guys and everyone just presumed him as bi. He hears him talking to George.
Brad: "Your a little cutie you know that?"
  George: "That's cool." George was looking at him with no expression what so ever.
Brad: "Why don't I make you feel good huh?" He rubs George's thigh and his eyes widened. Clay ran up to them and Gurrola pushed Brad away roughly.
Clay: "WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" He yells at Brad getting in front of George in a protective stance. Everyone in the hallway stopped and looked, the hall silent.
Brad: "Oh I'm sorry is that your little boy toy Clay?" Clay goes up to him and Brad realizes just how tall and scary he really was up close.
Clay: "You touch him again and we're gonna have some problems you hear me?" He growled at Brad who just had a horrified look, he rolled his eyes and walked away.
This fucking bitch!
  George: "Clay?" He puts his hand softly on his arm and Clay turns around with a hard look, that automatically softens when he sees the younger boy.
Clay scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, embarrassed about the scene he caused.

George pulls him into a tight hug, burying his head into his chest, Clay was very surprised but hugged back happily resting his shoulder on the shorter boys shoulder.
Clay: "I'm sorry I caused a scene Georgie, I overreacted and I shouldn't have." He whispers to the boy.
George: "Shut up Clay, thank you for protecting me." George sniffled a bit.
If only he knew...
Is he okay?
Clay grabs his backpack and George's hand.
Clay: "Come on."
George: "Where are we going?"
Clay: "You'll see." He gives George a soft smile making him feel reassured.

They get inside the library, waving to the librarian who waves back, Clay leads him to the very back and sits on the floor against the wall, patting the spot next to him.
George cocks his head to the side and sits down next to the blonde who kept looking at him.
Clay: "What's wrong?" He says with a worried look and soft expression.
  George: "What do you mean?" Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
Clay: "I heard you sniffle George." He grabs his hand and rubs it a little bitZ
He sees George's eyes tear up and he puts his head in his knees, starting to cry.
Clay: "Oh my god Georgie." He pulls him into a hug holding him, rubbing his back.
George: "I'm so sorry Clay." He wipes his eyes and looks up at him.
Clay: "You didn't do anything, you wanna talk about it? Somethings bothering you." He keeps rubbing his back reassuringly and George gives him a small smile.
George: "At my old school..I-um ugh it's horrible Clay." George looked away from the boy.
  I wanna tell him...but what will he think of me?

Clay does nothing but look at the boy, waiting patiently for him to answer when he was ready.
  George: "My mom did get a new job here, that's not the only reason we left though...I was...raped by someone." He started tearing up again scared of what Clay would do.

He didn't say anything.
  George: "I know, you probably think I'm gross and disgusting..I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore..."
Clay: " I'm so sorry George." He pulled him into another tight hug.
Clay: "You didn't have to tell me that, I'm so sorry that happened to you, and I don't think your gross or disgusting your an amazing person and that should have not happened to you." Clay was now crying and sniffling along with George as they held each other.
  George: "I'm okay...it happened a while ago it doesn't effect me much now, but when he was touching me..." George didn't need to finish his sentence, Clay knew.
Clay: "No one is ever gonna do that to you again, no one is gonna touch you like that again do you hear me? I'm gonna make sure of it." They pulled back and George saw how dark Clays eyes were, as his voice deepened with that sentence.

George nodded his head and he looked at Clay, giving him a small smile which he got back.
Clay: "Come on, I'll walk you to class."
He stands up grabbing his bag and letting his hand out for the smaller boy which he gladly accepts.
Clay: "Hey and if I ever make you uncomfortable with anything or anyone else does, don't be afraid just let me know." He rubs his arm reassuringly and George hugs him again.
George: "Okay I will." He nods.
Clay: "Now has there been anything I've done to make you uncomfortable?"
George: "Nope, you make me feel really comfortable Clay." They smile at each other and head off to class.

I'm crying why did I do that😭😭
1200 words🥺

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