17. panicked state

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p a r k e r

"Damn, Coach Matthews put us through the ringer, today," Miles says.

"With playoffs coming up, I wouldn't be surprised if practices get harder. We have to be prepared for anything," I add.

Before I take off my practice gear to shower, I hear my phone vibrating. I take a quick glance at the screen and see ten missed calls from Annalise, along with a thread of text messages. What the? Anna never calls or texts me.

I grab my phone out of my locker and answer call Anna back. She answers on the first ring. Before I can even speak, Anna says, "Parker! Oh my God, Parker. Olivia, she uhm-"

My heart starts to beat faster. "Anna, I need you to breathe. What's going on?"

I hear soft cries coming from her line. "We were at the mall, and Olivia felt dizzy. We were walking to some benches, but she just fainted. The EMTs are here and we're going with them to the ER. I don't know what's happening, Parker." The panic is evident in Anna's voice.

I don't even hesitate. I start throwing all of my belongings into my duffel bag. "Which ER? I'm coming now."

I can hear the ambulance sirens blaring from Anna's end. "New York Presbyterian Hospital."

"I'm on my way." I sling my bag over my shoulder and start rushing toward the exit of the arena.

"Parker, what's happening?" I glance behind me and see Deacon and Miles running after me.

"Olivia's going to the hospital. I gotta go, guys." My head is spinning. I can't comprehend a single thing happening.

A few seconds later, Deacon and Miles are at my side. "Parks, you're not in the right mindset to be driving, right now. I'll drive us there," Deacon tells me. I don't have time to argue, plus he's right.

At the speed of lighting, we hop into Deacon's Mercedes-Benz and we're en route to the hospital. "What's wrong with Olivia?" Miles asks from the backseat.

"I don't know. Annalise said she fainted at the mall." I bury my head into hands. "I was just with her. She seemed fine." I choke back my cries.

"Parker, she's going to be fine. She's strong, she'll pull through," Miles reassures.

The car halts at the round-a-bout of the hospital. "Go, we'll meet you in there," Deacon tells me.

"Thanks, man. You guys are the best." I shut the door and run as fast as I can through the hospital doors. Golden Babe, please be okay.

I enter the lobby and make a b-line for the front desk. "I'm here for Olivia Windsor."

The lady seems to be star struck by me because she doesn't respond until I repeat, "Olivia Windsor." This time more urgent.

"Sorry, Mr. Baylor. It's an honor to meet you," she says flustered. "I'm sorry, Olivia Windsor was moved from emergency to the obstetrics wing on the sixth floor."

I mutter a thank you, then find the nearest elevator. I press the button with the number six and repeatedly push on the close button. "C'mon, c'mon."

When the elevator arrives at my floor, I rush out. "Parker!" Annalise and Hayden both stand from their seats.

"Where is she?" I ask them. Their cheeks are stained with tears, and their eyes are puffy from crying.

"They're examining her, right now," Hayden says.

"When can we see her?" I question.

Hayden shrugs. "Hopefully, soon." She looks down, then back up at me. "Listen, Parker. Everyone probably knows by now about Olivia's pregnancy."

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