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Isabelle POV

Lydia is in jail and she will stay there for a long time. I am happy that my uncle George is alive and my cousin Oliver is back to where he loves the most being a doctor. My Uncle is very happy that I am married and have twin boys and he even cried when he met my babies. He said that my father would be very happy and proud. I want to give the money back to my father in law of what he paid for to buy the company but he doesn't want to take it. My uncle finally retired from being a doctor and he met somebody and everything is doing well, he divorces Lydia with the help of Oliver. Now with my cousin Oliver, he married the love of his life and they are expecting.

one year later

James POV

We are moving to London for me to take over Jones Engineering Company, but before my wife agreed to it. She wants to change the name of the company to Knight Engineering Company.  I asked her if we can wait till she gave birth to move but for the first time, she didn't listen. We will live in the Jones mansion. and my wife is actually happy that our kids will grow up where she did and we will make sure that they will grow up not be spoiled rich kids. She was very hands-on with the boys and they started walking at 10 months old, sometimes makes me wonder how she does it. I know she is tired but she doesn't show it. 

Everything is going well.  I made sure I am home every night to have supper with my family and Sunday is a family day, no business call, or anything to do with the business.

It was Sunday and we are all having breakfast, my mom and dad are here. they came coz they know that any day now Isabelle is going to give birth and my mom is very happy since my kids will have a British accent since we are going to be staying in London for good.

" James... I think its time.... she grabs my arm and I knew its baby time. I am pro at this one now. I thought I am gonna be calm but no I was freaking out. my wife is very calm though.

She did it again she was a real champ. no epidural or any pain medicine.

"I love you, sweetheart.. thank you for making me a father again" I  kissed her forehead. she looks very tired.

" I love you too.. and then she fell asleep.

She was right all along it is a boy but we were surprised we have another set of identical twins.  My parent came to see us and brought Jacob and Joseph.  As soon as the door open, 2 boys came running to me.

"Dada and mum.. they said in unison and I hold them both.. and woke my wife up but she was smiling, 

"How're my babies.... she asked smiling and touching their cheek... they both want their mum.

" mum, can't carry you boys, mum is weak, but we have a surprise for you two... they both looked at me with excitement in their big green eyes....

the door opened and the nurses wheeled in two prams, here comes Joshua Victor and John Henry.  We decided to keep using my dad and her dad's name as a middle name.

My dad pick Joshua and showed it to Jacob and my mom pick John and showed it to Joseph. I am a proud dad, looking at my boys.

Both of them are so excited, they can't wait to play with their little brothers. We will be very busy, 4 boys a year apart.... but with my wife patience, love and care we can handle it. She is my rock.

4 years later

Victor and Elizabeth mansion.. New York City

Elizabeth POV

Jason and Meghan have 2 kids, Jace and Jackson 

Jonathan and Kayla have 2 kids Justin and Jared

James and Isabelle have 5 kids total, 2 sets of identical twin boys (Jacob and Joseph, 4 years old, Joshua and John, 3 years old and they had a girl, Catherine Elizabeth, 2 years old. If you don't know any different you would think that the boys are quadruplets. they all look a like, all mini James, Thank God my one and only granddaughter looks exactly like Isabelle, i was losing hope that I will not have a granddaughter but James and Isabelle gave us one and she is the apple of our eyes, she have 4 boy cousins and 4 brothers to protect her and look after her. 

Christmas is my favorite time of the year I have all my sons and their families. Jason and Jonathan are in charge of the company now and Victor and I are retired and we traveled back in forth to  London and New York.  I never thought that my youngest will change and thank God for Isabelle, he turned out to be the most successful of all the 3 boys. He is a very dedicated father also and I admire Isabelle she has 5 kids all under 4 years old and she manages to take good care of them and they are all very behave  and she still helps me with the Knight Foundation and she opened up one in London too. 

"Time for presents kids"... Victor announced while holding our youngest and only granddaughter ... we are all seating in the living room. I am so blessed with my family. 

"Mom, you don't have to buy these many presents for my kids...... complained James....

yes, we agree with James' mom... Jason and Jonathan but in

" Just settle down sons, I can spoil my grandbabies anytime I want that's what grandparents are for. 

" Thank you Mum  .... Isabelle gave me a hug, we appreciate it..

Thank you guys for reading, I wanted to write again. and I wanted something base on true love without hate and too much drama. my goal here is to show that love and family can change everything. Sorry for the incorrect spelling and grammatical errors. Hope you enjoy the book.

Thank you very much

love sbramble78

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