MALEVOLENT 11: Contemplation

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Swaddled in a blanket by the fire, Delilah sipped the hot water infusion. To her delight, someone had added lemon juice, honey, ground ginger, and a small shot of amber spirit. The concoction burned going down and warmed every part of her when it hit her stomach. She closed her eyes in bliss and let the steam feather over her face every time she breathed into her cup. She absolutely deserved every delicious sip of this fine drink.

Caldor stood by the fireplace and kept looking at her. Kiri slept nearby, insisting on remaining in the same room as Delilah so she could ask her more about the Peri. The other royals milled about, talking or ordering guards to secure every inch of the perimeter.

"We are going to have to release a statement," Gaol muttered to an advisor as he strode past.

"People are angry, my king."

"People need to stop shooting arrows at innocents!"

"The war has brought much pain and famine. But anger has no place among the commoners, we must focus on rebuilding..."

Aylin sat with her arms around Caldor's wife, who was still sobbing uncontrollably.

Delilah was observing, while trying to make it seem like her eyes were unfocused, when a presence blocked the firelight.

"That was a very brave and selfless thing you did," Finias said quietly. She noticed how far away from her he stood, conscious of his image in a room full of people.

"Not really, anyone would have done it. Someone would have saved the girl."

"Yes, but you dived in without thinking about yourself, giving you the speed to save her, which is more than anyone else did. Even me."

"You would have saved her if you hadn't been wearing armour. You've always been the selfless one of the two of us."

An invisible current seemed to roll through Finias at her words: the two of us...

"You should take it easy, Princess. Don't underestimate the shock of a plunge in cold water."

He lightly brushed her shoulder with his hand as he walked away, and Delilah started at the unexpected contact which made every muscle in her body tense.

The estate was a bustling, busy place, and Delilah hated how more than anything, she wanted peace and quiet. Kiri became her shadow, asking her for stories about the palace. Delilah described the grand ballrooms and most spectacular vaulting halls the way they looked when decorated for festivities, and Kiri's eyes were as round as moons.

The royals departed when Gaol had got Caldor to promise he would put pressure on the people in his region to reveal the troublemaking archers. Delilah found it hard to keep from fidgeting as they stood in order of rank in the entrance hall to formally take their leave.

Caldor walked up to Delilah, his lips pressed tightly together, and gave her a low bow.

"You undoubtedly saved my daughter's life. My house is now in your debt... princess."

Oh, to have someone bow to her again.

"In my debt?" Delilah replied quietly, and Caldor looked up sharply, perhaps not realising she would take his statement as anything more than a formality to show gratitude.

A door on the second level where a mezzanine snaked around opened with a bang, and everyone looked up.

"It's not fair!" Kiri was shouting at her servants through tears. "I want to go...!" Her voice faded as the door slammed shut again.

"Perhaps repay your debt by making that poor girl happy?" Delilah replied in a whisper. "That is all I want."

Caldor looked at her strangely and Delilah stretched her face into a smile.

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