* Bite Twenty-six

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Also, first day, I had Psych 210, another intro class. (Just getting some GedEd stuff out of the way and whatnot.)

My professor had us play two truths and a lie with a partner before a few people stood up and presented their two truths and a lie, leaving the class to decide which of the three statements was a lie. At the end of this little ice breaker exercise, my professor presented his own two truths and a lie:

1. I have a psychotic disorder.
2. I was a professional chess player.
3. I was a bassist in an emo punk band.

When he finished, he asked the class for their opinions of which was the lie. He repeated his first statement again, asking for hands to show who thought the first one was a lie.

Nobody raised their hand.

At the end of the poll, my professor just kind of threw his hands up in disbelief.

"I don't have a psychotic disorder, guys; I'm just odd. Okay, I'm just odd."

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