°Smile part 3°

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'Finally, you're home. So, I made lasagne but it's a new recipe. Come on, Sean. Hurry, try it' Serris embraced her younger brother, ruffling his hair before she gently shoved him into the kitchen.

'Is mom and dad here?' He asked, poking at the lasagne with a fork. Serris shook her head 'no', giving his shoulder a squeeze.

'Of course they aren't' Sean grumbled, waiting for Serris to cut him a slice before he hesitantly cut it into smaller pieces.

'They have to mind Aya, Sean. They have to be there for her' Serris tried, but she knew it was useless, knowing his reaction to these types of conversations.

'And not for us. I know' he said. 'There's so many parents out there who have one of their kids in hospital or severely sick, but they still manage to make time for their other kids'.

Serris bit her lip, slinging her arm around Sean's shoulders. 'Let's not talk about that...how was school? Or extra credit, should I say?'

Sean pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his shins; if he could just curl up into a ball, he wouldn't have to face real life, he'd be protected from everything around him. But he'd still have to live with himself, with the wretched memories of Kaycees apologetic face swirling around in his head. Sean let his head fall down to his knees, and he pulled his legs closer to his chest. No matter what he did, there was no where he could hide from the thoughts in his head.

'Fine' he whispered, pushing the plate away from his face.

'Doesn't sound very convincing to me' Serris giggled. 'What's wrong?' 

'Nothing' he sighed, ready to stand up and leave to his room when his second, elder sister walked through the doorway.

'Sean' she smiled, eneveloping him in a tight hug. 'How was school?'

'I was just asking him that' Serris smiled.

When Seans dad and mom skipped spending time with him to take care of Aya, his sister became his mom. Not because they didn't have a Mom anymore, but because she spent every waking hour with his younger sister. If Sarah hadn't started cooking and doing laundry he didn't know what would have happened; Sarah walked him to school, helped him with homework and gave him a night routine. Sometimes she shouted so much like a Mom it was like they were the same person, but Sarah was just nineteen, nearly twenty. 

'So it was good?' Sarah asked, resting her hands on top of Sean's head.

'No' he groaned, before picking up his school bag and running upstairs. A childish act for him, but the last thing he wanted to be reminded of was seeing a frown on the girl whom he was secretly fond of so much.

'Bad day?' Sarah appeared at his door, arms crossed and hip jutted to the side. She was always hot on his heels.

'Worse than that' he whispered, pulling off his school jumper which left him in his button up shirt.

'Why?' She questioned, her soft eyes staring back at Sean.

'People are just nosey' he shrugged. 'They can't keep out of my life'.

'Maybe they want to be friends, that's a thought' Sarah smiled, opening her arms for a hug.

'As if' he whispered, melting into Sarah's arms.

'You never know until you give it a try' she adviced him, hugging him tighter before letting go. 'Some people will see things in you, that even you can't see'.

Sean smiled up at her, a dimple popping out at the corner of his lips. 'Now, enough sappy time. Get in the shower, and come down for dinner. You've got thirty minutes' she tapped the watch on her wrist.

Sean & Kaycee: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now