The talk

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Farquad sighs with a melancholy tone "I-i dont want susspect that anything is actually going on between us"

Farquad looks down and grabs his arm as if to show he felt ashamed for what he was doing.
"But whats the point in hiding it? No one will care and even if they have something to say about it we dont have to listen to them, your their king they havr to listen to you do they not?" Shrek asks with a shakey voice.

     "Well yes i suppose, but shrek you forget, ive married fionna, i simply cannot make our relationship public while still married to her, although my heart does not belong to her"
Shrek put his head agaisnt the bars and smiled softly. He then fit his hand through the bars just enough to put his hand on farquad's cheek, farquard put his hand ontop shreks and smiles. "We could be happier, not having to worry about what anyone says, not having to keep secrets" shrek says in a soft voice.
"I dont think its that simple my love"

Shrek is silent for a moment "we.... We could... Kill her...."


"No no listen to me, if you poison her food the next time she eats she can die so you dont have to devorce her and taint ur name...right?"

"....and then i make you my right hand man... When time is right " faquad lights up as he continues shreks thought.

Funny how no matter how differnt they may be they shaed the same train of thought.

Shrek X lord farquad Where stories live. Discover now