Your Highness

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"I'm not ready for this."

Keefe sighed, repeating what he'd said over and over in different wording.

"Conner, you're one of the funniest guys here. Just be yourself and she'll love you!"

"Yeah, you really should chill. Her highness is always polite, if not a little oblivious. She won't flat out reject you if that's what you're worried about." Fitz reassured.

"But-but..." he sputtered.

"Okay. That's enough of that. Look at me. I am awesome. Say that." Keefe commanded.

"I am awesome."

"I have a great personality."

"I have a great personality."

"She'll love me."

"She'll love me." Conner repeated with a sigh.

"I have incredible hair."

"I have incredible hair."

"Not as good as Keefe's but-"

"Okay, that's enough of that." Fitz cut in with a drawl.

"Oh come on, we were just getting to the good part!"

"I don't think my ears will survive the good part, and I'm not interested in dying young. Plus some people should be in soon to give final adjustments to our clothing and looks before we leave." Fitz spoke from where he was seated on the ottoman in Conner's room.

Keefe and Conner were standing in front of the mirror, both dressed in navy blue. But where Conner had a full suit and jacket completed with matching shoes and gelled hair, Keefe simply wore navy pants and a white button up shirt with the top two buttons left open and his hair in all its usual glory.

"What adjustments? They put together the entire outfit. Granted we did get a say based on our personal styles, but we all know they dressed to portray what they wanted." Dex cut in for the first time since coming in and seeing Fitz in the room.

He wore a periwinkle blue pinstripe suit that brought out his eyes, and a glower to match his feelings for Fitz. 

 "Then I'm sure the just want confirmation that it--hello gentlemen!" Fitz switched words like a practiced diplomat.

The loud wooden door banged open and four tailors scurried in the room carrying sewing needles, hairspray, and some particularly strange objects Keefe eyed warily. 

"Sirs', if the four of you could just stand up so your respective designers could inspect their work and we should be out of your hair in minutes."

The boy who originally took his measurements, Ollie, approached with a critiquing eye.

"The outfit fits your style, really would help if you put at least a little gel in your ha--."


"Alright then, well we clearly chose the right style. You look great, and we'll use this as the base for your other outfits. Good?"

"Yes." Keefe replied eager to get to dinner.

"Right then, good luck." Ollie slipped out the door.

A few minutes later the four of them were joining with all thirty-six selected outside the dining hall. The large wood doors pushed open to reveal the same room as last time. The only difference was the table in front with three placements, obviously there for the royal family.

Tiergan clapped to get everyone's attention. 

"Alright selected, tonight you will meet Her Highness and the King and Queen. It's in your best interest to make a good impression because ten of you will be going home tonight. You'll eat your meals and afterwords will be escorted one by one to meet Princess Sophie. Each of you will have five minuted of conversation time with her, then three minutes with both the King then the Queen."

He walked out of the room briskly, when three trumpets sounded. The doors opened again, and a tall, blonde man with chiseled features entered. By his side stood an elegant woman with amber hair. The King and Queen. They room was dead silent as their gaze washed over the Selected.

Finally he spoke, "Welcome gentlemen, thank you for being here. I'd like to present my daughter, Princess Sophie Elizabeth Ruewen."

The stink eye he was giving all of them became non-existent as she walked in the room. Sophie was by no means as graceful as her parents, but her slim shoulders were back and her chin was up. Her blonde hair was in an elegant braid, highlighting her stunning brown and gold eyes. She wore a bright red dress that took some of the attention off her flaming face.

Keefe was surprised because though he knew she was pretty, he had not expected her to be this jaw-dropping. His heart beat speed up as she gave them all a delicate smile before sitting down at the table with her parents.

He could not tell you what they ate that night, nor the conversation that took place, or the color of the napkins. Keefe's eye's stayed on the blonde beauty who shone with courage and light. Before he knew it the royals were moving to the hosting rooms, and the first man was called to meet her.

"She's gorgeous!" Dex announced as soon as it was just the selected in the room.

"That she is." Fitz nodded.

It seemed those words were the ice-breaker because several voices started up with questions, statements, and exclamations.

"What are you going to say to her?" 

"I don't think her father likes us very much."

"Her eyes have literal flecks of gold in them!

"I'm nervous to speak with her mom, I heard their really close."

Keefe side-eyed Lur who sat beside him. 

"What are you going to say."

"I'm not sure. Probably exchange pleasantries and ask about her interests." Lur replied, seeming completely at ease.

Keefe wished he was that confident. Outwardly he displayed his normal smirk, but inside he was a mess. 

"Keefe Scencen, it's your turn."

Hoping he looked composed, Keefe stood up from his chair and followed Tiregan to a set of doors. He gave the doorman a nod conveying he was ready and took a deep breath as they opened. His gaze went straight to the princess with her hands delicately folded seated on the settee. 

Keefe immediately sank into a low bow, "Your Highness."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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