eight - dream

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we walk through the automatic doors side by side after grabbing a shopping cart. just as we start heading toward the first aisle, i yank georges hand as he almost bumps into a large group of people.

we let the group pass us and i take full control of the cart after telling george he can't be trusted anymore.

he sighs and i grin at him, continuing up the aisle. he grabs a few drinks and puts them in the cart, watching me intently.

we manoeuvre our way into the far left side of the store, i look at george, amused as we near my favourite aisle; the snack aisle.

i laugh, throwing random items off the shelves and into our trusty cart. i throw a packet of candy at george and watch as it goes straight through his hands.

he picks it back up, giggling.

"you were supposed to catch that, idiot." i joke, mindlessly putting more things in.

he shakes his head, observing the contents of our cart, "this doesn't look very healthy."

i grunt, looking at all the junk food we threw in, "i have a plan!" i tell him, pushing the cart back through the aisle and down the next one. we pick up speed quickly, almost leaving george in the dust but he manages to grab the sides, putting his feet on the bottom bars.

admittedly, the cart's a little heavier now, but we continue zooming through the aisles. as we come to a halt, i abandon george. i grab a couple dozen apples and sprint back to him.


at this, george can't help but giggle, "perfect."

"get on." i yell, and watch as he climbs back onto the cart. soon enough, we're at the dairy aisle. i wink over at george as i show him the eggs i picked up- and we both burst out laughing, throwing our heads back.

we head to the last aisle, and grab some salad bowls. george wanders off as i'm looking at the salads and putting them in. i balance them ontop of the eggs and proudly look up.

george has disappeared; so i sigh, realising i'm about to search the store for a grown man.

ten minutes later, i find george trying to reach a plushie on the top shelf. i smirk to myself, quietly coming up behind him to help. i grab the toy for him, and slowly bring it down to his height. he freezes when the stuffed animal is right in front of him, and i'm aware he can feel my breath on his neck.

our bodies are flush against each other, and george takes the plushie from my hand. i'm sure he can feel my heart through my chest.

the closeness of our bodies gives me adrenaline, and i know he can feel it. he turns around, and we're almost face to face. i crane my neck so we're eye to eye. something screams inside of me to get closer.

our noses are almost touching, and i watch george's cheeks grow a little red. the temptation to inch my face towards his is high;

but i back off.


word count: 540
*in editing*
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