Chapter 21: Double Trouble

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At Dareth's dojo, the Ninja are training Lloyd who is trying to light a light bulb with his Lightning. He grunts as Jay passes him.

"Focus, Lloyd. Control the power inside you. When you feel a surge welling up, harness it" Jay instructs

"I understand. I am in control" Lloyd groans

"Come on, Lloyd. You can do it" Jay encourages

Lloyd breaks the bulb "Aah! Stupid light bulb! You're putting too much pressure on me. Let me have one more try"

"Ugh, sorry, Lloyd. That was the last light bulb" Kai tells him

Cole hands him a broom "Clean up, Lloyd. We'll continue your training tomorrow"

Lloyd uses the broom to punch a punching bag. Wu and Aria enter the room.

Jay sighs "What am I doing wrong, Sensei Wu? I can't seem to teach him to control his power"

Lloyd's broom hits him on the head "You dare to defy the Green Ninja!?

"Patience, Jay. Sometimes, the greatest opponent we face is ourselves, and that's especially true of Lloyd. Remember where he came from. He's the son of Lord Garmadon. It's going to take time for him to embrace the light" Wu says

Nya enters the room "Hey guys"

"Hey Nya!" the ninja greeted

"Hey, Jay. Uh, wanna come by the auto body shop later?" Nya asks

"Uh, the auto body shop?" Jay questions

"Yeah. I got a part-time job. Though I could fix up the Ultra Sonic Raider in my off time. Maybe if you come over, I can show you what I've been working on." Nya replies

"Uh, sure, heh" Jay notices Aria is holding a letter "Hey Aria what you got there?"

"Oh, um, this letter came for Lloyd" Aria hands it to Wu

Wu takes out the letter and reads it "Hmm. It's from Lloyd's old school"

"The Darkley School for Bad Kids?" Cole questions

"Formerly bad kids, Since the last time we were there, they've changed to the Darkley School for Great Children" Wu tells them

"Heh, wait. They've turned good?" Kai questions

"Hmm, it says here there's going to be a ceremony" Wu says

"I love ceremonies. That means there's going to be cake" Cole says happily

"is that all you think of?" Aria asks

"not just cake, but chocolate cake" Cole says happily rubbing his stomach

"Lloyd's change inspired them. Now they've invited Lloyd to give him an honorary degree in excellence" Wu says

Lloyd breaks the broom and headbutts the punching bag.

"Are we sure we're talking about the same Lloyd?" Kai asks

"probably not" Aria says


The Ninja are flying their way toward the school with Lloyd steering.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Now that we can ride the Dragon, we should get to Darkley's in no time" Jay cheers

"If Lloyd can get us there in one piece" Kai says worriedly

Cole looked over "Just be gentle. Any sudden moves can cause him to—"

"Any sudden what?" Lloyd pulls on the reins

The Ninja scream as the Dragon dives.

"Let go! Let go of the reins!" Aria shouts

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