Chapter Twelve - The Very Cruel, Very Bad, Not At All Good, Bloody Awful, Prank

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"Oh come on, you don't really think Fred would do something, do you?" Hermione asked, putting her arm on the page she was reading, holding her place.

Ron and I looked to each other, the looks on our faces straight as ever. We looked back to Hermione. "Yes." We said in unison.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were all situated at our usual table in the library, all the way in the back. Classes had ended for the day and we were all having a study session.

Well, Hermione and I were. Ron and Harry had just tagged along.

"It can't be that bad, right?" Harry questioned, not believing the words that came out of his mouth either.

We sat in nervous silence for a moment, my leg bouncing under the table.

"What's got you lot all worried?" George said, walking up to our group. His forehead was bandaged, his arm still in a cast, but other than that, he'd pretty much healed overnight thanks to Madame Pomfrey's wonderful work.

I turned to Ron and leaned in. "Should we tell him?" I whispered. Ron only shrugged.

"Your brother is thinking of doing something stupid." Hermione said, not looking up from her book.

"Aren't they always? And which one?" George said, taking a seat next to me. The table was silent once again. No one wanted to tell George about what Fred had said. "Well? Come on now, don't leave a guy in the dark."

"Fred is. He said something about wanting to make the Slytherin's pay for what they did." I spit out. The group looked at me, astonished. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"Is that what you're all worried about?" George laughed. "Freddie wouldn't do something too drastic. Whatever he's got planned will be harmless and, let's face it, it'll be funny."

The group didn't seem to think so. "I don't know George. He seemed really angry. He had this look on his face that I've never seen before. It was scary, how serious he was." I said, nervousness lacing my voice.

Anxiety filled George's face. "I'll talk to him." He said solemnly. Again, the table filled with silence. No one seemed to be in the mood to talk.

I twiddled my thumbs and Ron sat next to me, whistling. It filled the silence between everyone at the table. I could feel George bouncing his leg underneath the table.

"Ahem." Hermione cleared her throat. She glared daggers at Ron. His whistling stopped and he looked at her with confusion. Hermione rolled her eyes, just thankful that Ron had stopped whistling.

Ron looked around the table, still confused. He went back to whistling, which caused Hermione to clear her throat once more.

"What?" Ron said, confused as ever.



We all jumped and turned to the library doors, beyond which the loud noise had come.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron questioned.

"I think I know." I quickly stood up, rushing out of the library. The group followed, all of us rushing into the Great Hall.


We all looked around, looking for where the sound had come from.

"Sounds like the dungeons." Hermione said. I could see worry cross everyone's face as we all rushed to the dungeons.

We rushed down the steps, Slytherin students pushing past us. Smoke quickly filled the stairwell and it became hard to see.

"You'll pay for this Weasley!" A voice yelled. Fred emerged from the smoke, coming from Slytherin common room.

Loverboy: Year One - George Weasley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now