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Currently my only happiness comes from my stories and the big amount of support you show. Lately my depression has gotten bad again and I just want to thank you all for reading, voting and commenting. Especially commenting. Some of your comments are hilarious and are the only things that makes me laugh right now. Well, enough of my depressing talk.

Let me introduce... chapter 142


"We're getting fucking married!" Kathleen exclaimed and I went into cheering mode as I jumped out of my seat and wrapped my arms around her neck. She lifted me up, spun me around, then put me down again.

"Oi! Don't do that!" I shouted, hitting her on the arm. "You're pregnant. You shouldn't be carrying heavy things."

"Good thing you're not heavy then." She joked and I stuck out my tongue at her. "You weight the same as a feather."

I rolled my eyes and she turned towards George who was reading the Daily Prophet by the table. "Hey! Not gonna wish me congratulations?"

"Don't bother." I said, looking at him as well. "He's pissed."

"Pissed?" Kathy asked. "Why?"

"Cause Lizzie's a criminal!" Fred sung from his bedroom. Kathleen turned around to look at me and I just shook my head.

"I got drunk at four in the morning—"

"Robbed a Muggle store." George interrupted without looking up from the newspaper. Kathy's eyes widened and she looked from him to me.

"I didn't rob a Muggle store." I defended myself. "Listen. I was drunk, drank the last bottle of firewhisky that I found in the twins secret stash in the basement and went to look for more. I pulled out my wand to help the salesman get the bottle down, though I never got to use it—"

"Then she stole a bottle of something called vodka." George said and glanced up at me for a moment.

"I didn't bring Muggle money." I said. "He called me crazy. Said I couldn't pay with my 'fake money' so I grabbed the bottle and ran."

"You lunatic!" Kathleen laughed, throwing an arm around my neck.

"Don't encourage it." George said and stood up, hovering over us, his eyes focused on mine. "That's not what I'm mad over. You know that."

"What's he mad over?" Kathleen whispered in my ear but loud enough for George to hear.

"I am mad because she went out at four in the morning without telling any of us. If I had woken up to her not being in the flat, I don't know what I would have done."


"No." He interrupted as he looked at me again. "You could've been dead. You could've been killed. Walking out into the night while drunk is both reckless and irresponsible and I am so disappointed."

"Disappointed?" I scoffed. "You are not my mother!"

"No 'cause your mother is—" he yelled, then stopped himself. My lips parted in shook and his expression softened. "Liz—"

"You were going to say dead, weren't you?" I folded my arms over my chest and looked away. Then I looked up at him again, my eyes full of tears which blurred my vision. "Fuck you."

"I'm so sorry. Lizzie." He sighed as I walked to the door and slid into my shoes. "It just slipped out.. I'm sorry."

"She's been gone for nearly two months!" I yelled at him. "How dare you use her in your anger!"

"Liz." Kathleen spoke when I grabbed my jacket. "Don't go. Stay here and you two can talk it out. Leaving doesn't help anything."

"It sure helps me right now." I huffed. I turned around to leave but I felt a hand around my wrist and I knew by the cold metal against my skin, that it was George.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to—"

"Let go of me." I cried. "I don't wanna look at you. Just let go of me."

He did what I had told him to and I hurried out of the door and made my way down through the shop until I stood outside in Diagon Alley.

I pulled on my jacket and started walking while I buttoned it. I didn't know where I was going to go.

I ended up knocking at my uncle Terry's place. He was still living above that restaurant. When he opened the door, he looked surprised but not as surprised as me. He looked way better than the last time I saw him. That was the time when he had struck me. He didn't come to the wedding, I never found out why.

"Elizabeth?" He asked. "What are you doing here."

"I'm sorry. I didn't really know where to go." I said. "Can I stay here? Only until tonight."

"Of course." He nodded. "King's here. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

He stepped aside and I entered his flat. It was cozier than last. It didn't look like a hole.


I turned to see King stand in the opening to the living room. I smiled and he repaid it before we met in a hug.

"Gosh. I've missed you so much." I breathed. "What happened to Scotland?"

"I've decided to move back home." He told me. "Thought I should be closer to the family so I'm staying here with dad until I can afford a place here."

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