Draco - 28

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We had all rented a small apartment in diagon alley, Hermione, Ron, Pansy, Blaise, Neville, Luna, Harry and I. We were never all there at the same time though except maybe at night. Some of us still needed to find jobs so they had job interviews. The others would go see their parents or some friends from the muggle world. A part of us also went house hunting because we couldn't live in the small appartement for life. It is safe to say that Harry and I only did the latest, having a job already and no family nor friends except from those who were leaving with us. This was why tonight was a special night. Everyone would be home and Harry was already in the kitchens, cooking dinner while me and Luna were cleaning the house and Neville was dressing the table. Hermione and Ron apparently had something important to tell us. It was around seven at night when the dinner was fully set on the table and everyone was sitting down to eat. We all basically talked about our week and what we had found, decided, nothing really major. It was around the desert when Hermione and Ron finally told us why they needed to talk to us.

-  We have news for you guys.

-  What is it mate ?

Ron looked at Hermione with a smile before turning back to us.

-  We are moving out next week, we bought a house yesterday !

Everyone froze before we all started to speak at the same time, cheering them. Harry hugged the both of them with a smile. We decided to celebrate with a fake party, which was basically just music and dancing. We all went to bed at around one in the morning. Harry made a weird face when we were alone.

-  You okay Lion ?

-  Yeah...

-  Very convincing.

-  I don't know, Hermione and Ron are moving out, it's weird.

-  I get it, it will be weird when I stop being with Blaise and Pansy.

-  Well, at least we have each other.

-  Totally.

I went to him, laying on his chest.

-  I love you

-  I love you too princess

He started to play with my hair and we quickly fell asleep.

*the next morning*

We passed the next week just helping Ron and Hermione pack up and get the new house ready. Blaise had gotten himself a boyfriend who was spending a lot of time at the house. Unfortunately, they sometimes forgot the silencing charm, which often led to half an hour of laughing for us and a very awkward morning for them. Despite that, he was very nice but I still needed to have a conversation with him alone. I had the perfect opportunity right now. We were Sunday night and Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville were at the couple appartement to finish packing before they officially moved in. Blaise, Luna and Pansy went shopping for food for the week. It was just me and Chad, Blaise's boyfriend. He was in the living room so I went there, sitting in front of him.

-   Hey Chad.

-  Hi Draco

He put down his book, turning to me.

-  How is it going?

-  It's great thanks. I had some questions for you.

-  Ah, this day has finally come.

-  What are you talking about?

-  You are Blaise's best friend. I already had the threats from Pansy, I was wondering when you would come do your little investigation.

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