Chapter: 6

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We sat around the bonfire once again, as Katara healed his wounds, he has burned wounds on his chest, while I have burned arm, being burned is common for fire benders, we get burn in training a lot,

But Katara helped a lot, she healed my arm first on Lord Zuko's request, it's almost completely healed, it's amazing what a water bender can do, it must feel amazing to have that power,

"Here," Said one of Bao's friends offering me a pouch with alcohol in it, Bao sitting on the same side as yesterday the same way, with his friends around him, a girl on his lap and alcohol in his hand,

"You know I don't drink" I replied trying not to sound too rude, but they do this a lot, peer pressure me into drinking, everyone drink here even Jiang and Kia, but they never drink enough to be drunk,

"Come on Ryu after a fight like that everyone deserves one," he said with a smile, he lost his complete senses, "I told you my answer, I don't want it," I said a little louder giving him a warning,

I looked toward where lord Zuko was sitting, he didn't seem happy with all this too, his smile has turned in to frown,

"come on Ryu live a little," another friend of Bao said while the guy in front of me tried forcing that pouch on my lips, "You are leaving Ryu, we can't just let our beloved Ryu leave this innocent, haven't even tasted alcohol yet," he said, before I could react, Jiang has already thrown that guy off me and on the forest floor,

"Get out of my sight before I burn you to crisp" Jiang screamed, I stood up to put my hand on his shoulder telling him to calm down, that boy was still on the floor drunk,

"Take him away," I said looking at one of the warriors and he obliges,

"Of course my perfect little sister doesn't drink how could she, she can never do any wrong," my brother said almost pushing the girl off his lap,

"Bao you are drunk too, take him home," I said to his friends who are standing behind him, they look much sober,

"You don't give orders anymore, you are his little wife and I am the new chief" he screamed pointing at Lord Zuko,

"Bao lets not do this in front of the whole tribe, lets go home," I said walking toward him, he pushed me back on Jiang who helped me stand up straight again,

He takes a sip out of the pouch in his hand, "You know Ryu I am so tired of your bullshit I am glad he is taking you away" he continued, he walks toward him, "This little brat is your problem now" Bao laughed, Lord Zuko seemed pissed but I shook my head leading him to know to stay out of this,

"Bao let's go before you do something you will regret," I said walking toward him again,

"Is that a threat?" he asked turning to me, "No But it's a warning" I answered, he reeks of alcohol.

"You know what Ryu I am tired of yours; I am better than everyone attitude, if you are that great answer me why are you choosing to be his little wife, huh? Tell me hah? You are a coward Ryu, you are scared of him, you are that cowered that let our mother die; you are weak and pathetic Ryu do you hear me?" He screamed,

This is enough, this threw me off, why do I always have to be a bigger person, and he is supposed to be my older brother,

"Okay, Bao you want to do this right now let's do this, first maybe I am pathetic and coward or whatever you say I am but what are you? huh? A drunk angry man and his small ego who is hurt because his little sister is better than him in every way, huh? I don't think I am better, I know I am, because I earned that, I worked every day for my whole life to be who I am"

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