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Guys... guys... guys! The first of the One and Only stories has reached 120k reads. How in the world did that happen?!! Thank you so much. It means the world.


The bell above the door rang as I opened it. I stepped into the warmth of the shop, letting the door slide close behind me. My eyes scanned the room before they landed on George. He stood on the ladder, frozen in his actions of putting one of the skiving snackboxes on the shelf. His eyes were focused on me, his lips slightly parted.

I broke the eye contact we held and made my way towards the stairs before I hurried up into the flat. I put my shoes by the door and hung my jacket on the wall before I rushed into the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I felt anxious because I knew George and I had to talk.

No 'cause she's—

His words and his facial expression kept running through my mind. I knew he was sorry but I knew that him saying that was wrong. He had every right to be sorry that bastard.

No 'cause she's—

No 'cause she's—

No 'cause she's—


I turned around quickly when I heard his voice behind me. He stood in the doorway to our bedroom, took one step inside and closed the door behind him. "Where've you been? You don't know how...– how worried you got me."

"Don't." I shook my head. "You're the reason I walked out."

"I know..."

I watched him for a moment before I started tearing up and I forced myself to look away again. "Two months. That's how long it's been next week."

I clapped my hands together, then forced myself to look at him again. "Two months, George. My extended family on my father's side keeps sending me letters where they encourage me. They tell me; the first six months are the worst, the first year is the worst, the first two years are the worst."


"The first five years are the first." I then spoke. "That's what my aunt Ira wrote. Not even two months in and you pull that shit with me."

"I'm sorry."

"You better fucking be!" I spat, approaching him. "My mother is dead!"

I pushed him in the chest. "You have yours but mine is dead!"

I pushed him again. He just stood there, arms down by his sides and let me do whatever I felt like. "You have no right using her in one of our fights! No fucking right!"

The sound of a smack filled the room and I realised I just slapped him across the face. My eyes flicked up to his. He was completely unaffected.

"George." I whispered. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Stop apologising." he said, grabbing my wrists gently as I had wrapped them around his neck. "I deserved that."

"No you did not." I said with a sigh. "You deserve to be yelled at but not to be slapped."

I stepped back, running a hand through my hair before I walked to the bed and sat down. I let out a breath, looking up at George as he approached and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry." he told me. "I never wanted to hurt you. It just slipped out and I'm not trying to excuse what I said. There is no explanation, there is no excuse. I'm just... sorry."

I closed my eyes before I laid down with my head on his lap, pulling my feet up on the bed at the same time.

"I'm even worse." I whispered, feeling his hand run over my forehead and into my hair. "I slapped you just like my uncle slapped me last year."

"I already told you, I deserved it."

"No one deserves it." I said and opened my eyes to look at him. "I'm still mad at you."

"Understandable." he nodded. "But I still love you."

"Good." I smiled faintly. "By the way. Don't go near King the next time you meet him."


"He's angry with you." I breathed. "He wants to beat your butt."

"Your cousin King wants to beat my butt?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at me. "He is aware that I'm like... half a feet taller?"

"Eight centimetres only." I spoke as I sat up. "He's one meter and eighty-three. You're one and ninety-one."

"I still think I'd have an advantage."

"As if." I scoffed. "King is faster."

"Do you want him to beat my butt?"

"Do you want me to be honest?" I shot back, raising an eyebrow at him. "Because right now you aren't my favourite person to be around."

One and Only 2 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now