Track 24. | I Wanna Be Yours

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"Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours"

Song: I wanna be yours - Artic Monkeys.

* * *


"200k and 20 blocks of cocaine" I say placing a black duffel bag in front of Harry on the RV coffee table.

"Now it's a party!" Niall says cheering as he points at the duffel bag.

We all shake our heads and he nods sitting back down without another word.

"It's all there?" Harry asks raising an eyebrow at me and Louis.

I sigh and nod my head "every last bit, Liam counted it in the car on the way back" I say as Liam nods his head in agreement behind me.

I agreed to take today's job with Louis and Liam as Harry is still not feeling well since his incident yesterday, stress could bring on an unwanted heart attack from the amount of drugs still in his system.

"Any problems?" Harry asks as he un zips the bag looking through the contents of it.

Me Louis and Liam all look at each other.

"Can I shoot him?" I ask looking a the well dressed man behind the desk who handed over the bag in exchange for details on where Alexander is.

We lied of course.

"No Bowie, we got what we need now come on!" Liam says rolling his eyes while holding the bag.

"But it's not fun unless someone gets hurt" I say pointing my gun at the confused man looking at me.

"She new?" He asks Louis who then nods his head with a tight lipped smile.

The man huffs as he sees me looking at him with my gun still pointed at him.

"Just get out of my office" he says as he staples sheets together.

"Fine, but can I shoot your foot at least?" I ask itching to shoot something.

The man stops stapling and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

I lower my gun and nod before turning around to walk out.

"I'm shooting a tree on the way back" I mumble as I open the door.

"Whatever keeps you happy love" Liam says as we all leave the office.

"See you soon!" A blonde haired assistant behind the desk smiles completely unaware of what just happened.

They never do.

"Can I shoot her?" I mumble to Louis and Liam as they push me out the door lightly into the elevator.

I huff and stand in beside the two of them hitting the ground floor button angrily.

"Can I shoot one of you?" I ask looking up at them happily.

They both roll their eyes and walk me out of the elevator as it dings.

"There's a tree right by the RV, you can go nuts on that 007" Liam says as we walk out into the lobby of the firm.

I clap happily as we walk out the front doors.

"Nope nothing happened" I say smiling at Harry.

"Nope" Louis and Liam say in sync smiling at Harry also.

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