Chapter Forty-Six

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Paula is driving us to the school. She finds a good parking spot near the school considering it's graduation. (The kind of eye makeup she had on is the picture above.) She turns off the car and I take a deep breath in and out.

"You can do this." Courtney chants to me. I nod and she opens the door, letting me out. I had pulled on my gown when I was in the car. My cap is in Kali's hand and she jumps out of her side of the car. She places it on my head carefully and makes sure it does screw with their masterpiece that they had made.

"Okay. Are we ready? Kayleigh? You better get on inside. Don't worry, I'll beat the boys to a pulp if they act up." Paula says and promises. I nod and begin to walk towards the school. I see a girl I know as Lexi, she's graduating too. She's walking next to me.

"Ready for the big day?" She breathes as I open the door for the both of us.

"No, not really but yes, really."

She laughs but nods, saying,

"I know what you mean."

"How about you Lexi?" I ask her.

"Surprisingly, I don't wanna go. And no, I was asking if you are ready for your big thing?"

"Haha- Wait what? What 'big thing'?" I ask her.

"Oh... Um, well I have to go, I see my boyfriend over there. He's wanting me." She says.

"Okay... Bye Lexi."

"Oh and Kayleigh?"


"Good luck."

"Um... Thank you? And you too." I say and turn my back. I see Niall with Eleanor in his arms. He's making her laugh while sitting down.

"Ms. Williams, I need you to get ready." Mr. Stoltz, the principal of our high school says.

"For what?" I ask him.

"Emily Warlow fell sick and can't perform. We need you to do it." My eyes narrow at him as he says that.

"Do what?"

"Stand on the stage and sing. We'll have inears for you." He says.

"Oh..." I say, and nod, turning away from him and going down to the hall, to find where I'm supposed to be when I walk to the aisle with my partner.

"Are you okay? You look a bit pale." One of my fellow classmates asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Oh shit, move!" I holler, and dashing for the bathroom that is luckily a couple of feet away from where I am standing.

"We got a puker!" One of the boys holler, laughing. I hear the door open and shut.

"Hey, are you okay Kayleigh?" It's Seth. I wipe the corners of my out when I finish puking. I stand up and go out to another stall as the one I planted my head in is flushing, and use the restroom. I wash my hands and wipe away my tears from vomiting. Kali knew that I would probably cry so she must have put waterproof makeup on. My lipstick is even staying. I see Seth observing me in the mirror.

"I'm nervous..."

"Don't be. Kick Lou's ass if he trips you."

"I will, no worries. But that's not what I'm nervous about."

"Then what is it?"



"In front of all these people."

"Imagine them naked." Seth says.

I snort at that. "Yeah, totally. Definitely gonna work. No, it's not that easy."

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