Releasing the demon

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3rd person POV:

1 year and nine months have passed since Sir Jason Mcknight was imprisoned for several crimes he has committed and was accused of.

One month after he was imprisoned the prison itself become completely silent. No one has been recorded leaving, nor coming, the guards and other staff were no exception.

Drone footage has shown the prisoners are still inside, however, seemingly highly injured.

Connor Mcknight along with other police officers have been busy with two major tasks. Patrolling the prison to try to establish contact to fix things and trying to capture a new crime organization known as Cocktail.

In other news, the economy has been steadily recovering, with plenty of new businesses popping up.

Leona, after giving birth to her child, has become the right-hand Lady of Anna who was the leader of Cocktail.

Marcus and Anna have been in a relationship for almost a year now.

While in a close relationship with her, Marcus began noticing a few changes in Anna.

She became more confident and brutal in public, not so different from Jason. But in private she was much sadder. She felt guilty, with almost a desire to be punished. When around Marcus, she seemed happier at least.

But that didn't stop Marcus from worrying. Eventually, he tried to push for answers. It wasn't difficult, Anna basically confessed to him like a sinful woman in a confessional.

Anna: That's it... Now you know how horrible I am.

Marcus: Anna...

Anna: You probably want to leave me now...

Marcus: Of course not, An-

Anna: Good. It's better to be willing than not.


Anna: Marcus, understanding this one thing.

She began crawling on top of him.

Anna: You. Are. Mine.

Anna: Remember that.

Marcus: These yandere vibes are kinda freaking me out. What's gotten into you?

Anna: Do exactly as I say, then it can be you.


Marcus: T-this isn't a healthy way to deal with your issues.

Anna: My ways better.

(A few weeks later)

Marcus was running away from a few muscular men in suits.

In his arms was a bag filled with something.

Marcus: Shit, shit, shit!

After a few close calls, Marcus escaped into his car and drove off.

Marcus: Anna has completely lost it...

After driving for a few hours, Marcus arrived at the prison where "He" was incarcerated.

Getting out of his car he was met with Connor.

Marcus: So is it done?

Connor: It was hard with the majority of the cops under her payroll but yeah.

Connor sneakily puts a document confirming that Sir Jason Mcknight has served his sentence and is to be immediately freed.

Marcus: You think I can get in?

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