Part 26

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It was a couple weeks after everything and it was the day we go back to school.

I was in my room packing, we we're leaving for the station soon.

I had my window open as you let Elora out before when I first woke up, the night that the death eaters attacked still scared me and still made me scared of being alone.

I had recently tried to push all the thoughts from that night down and think of the new year coming up of hogwarts.

The twins had tried their best to get my mind off of things, like pulling pranks on people and letting me help them etc.

Everyone was worried about me seeing as i seemed to be the worst after the incident and even Harry was worried about me.

Ron and me had been hanging around more, studying and things, me and him seemed to be getting closer and i enjoyed his company seeing as the twins won't be around all the time in school, they are in the year above us.

As I was packing, molly was cooking breakfast and i decided to take a break, i only had some books left to pack and that was about it.

I headed downstairs to find molly In the kitchen.

"Morning!" I popped from behind her back.

"Oh goodmorning sweet. Can I help you?" She smiled at me.

"No it's ok thanks. I've nearly finished packing, I'm just wondering if I can help you with anything before we all leave soon?" I smiled up at her.

Me and molly had a close bond too, I appreciated her for everything, she's one of the people i look up to, i don't know how she can deal with all that goes on in this house but she does.

"Oh no it's fine dear, how about you go make sure everyone else is ready to leave?" She Patted my shoulder and started to place food onto the plates.

"And call them down for breakfast of course." She smiled at me.

I nodded and walked upstairs.

Ginnys room was the first i passed so i knocked onto her door and waited for a reply.

"Come in!" She shouted from inside.

I opened the door and when she noticed it was me she got up and hugged me tightly.

I wobbled back a little and laughed.

"Woah gin!" I laughed.

She let go and stepped back a bit with a large smile on her face.

I tilted my head to the left and was so confused.

"Haha I'm sorry I'm just so happy we're finally going back!" She jumped into another hug and i hugged her back.

That's when it hit me.

Im going back.

I was exited for the most part obviously, but i knew it meant i would have to be in my dorm alone.

I started to get nervous but then remembered i was still hugging Ginny and decided to forget about it for now as best as i could.

She was happy and i didn't want to make her worry.

She pulled out of the hug and looked at me.

"Did you want anything?" She asked still smiling.

I forced a smile back.

"Yes I'm just making sure your ready which you are. Oh and your mum wants you down for breakfast. I was told to get you all down."

"Thanks y/n." She grabbed her trunk and headed downstairs smiling.

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