Chapter 18 - Cliff Hanger

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Nathaniel's POV

As much I hated to admit it, I had underestimated the werewolves. Luck was not on my side. We were running out of wild humans for this growing and hungry vampire population. I suspected it was something to do with the werewolves, they were out to deplete our resources. Taking away the only thing vampires need to survive.

The human farms would sustain us for centuries, but it would not be enough. In the farms the humans do not reproduce as effectively or efficiently. The numbers were declining slowly, but gradually. But more importantly, vampires loved fresh blood. Not packeted in plastic and shipped. We still needed humans for hunting, for the feeding straight from the neck.

And if this problem was not resolved quietly and quickly, there would be chaos within the Kingdom. Affluent families would use this moment of weakness to try to seize the throne, who knew what the Enrique's would do? Which reminds me, I have yet to deal with the problem of Vanessa.

I was contracted to marry her from birth, that bug of a vampire. Beautiful, but so painfully plain stupid at the same time. How could she not see that I would never love her? Especially now that I had Arabella with me, my sweet, beautiful Arabella. I would never let anything harm her, and I will shield her from all the wars of the world - even if it is letting her live in blissful ignorance. And I will never let the werewolves have her back. I guess that made me a terrible person, but I needed Arabella. Too much, to let her return to where she belongs. If the werewolves found Ara, they would use her to their needs. It would make me her enemy, I could never have that.

I've been spending most of my time in the Oval now. Discussions and debates with my most trusted advisors and generals were ongoing about what the next step was. Each day, new information was feeded to us. Sometimes they were good, more werewolves were being captured and slayed. Sometimes they were bad, werewolves had started finding their way into human farms - causing destruction by fire and cutting back our blood supplies.

More vampire soldiers were being sent out of the castle daily, to guard the farms, to capture humans, to slay werewolves, to find out why exactly humans seemed to be disappearing off the face of the land. So much had to be done. 

It was already 4 in the morning and we had just finalised the decision to capture as many werewolves and bring them back to the castle for torture and questioning. We had to try, even though it was difficult. The werewolves were a loyal breed, and they would rather die than divuldge military secrets.

I traced the same famillar footsteps from the Oval to Arabella's room. It felt like going home, and with each step I was slightly more energised at the thought of being close to Arabella. The sweet smell of her lingered in the corridors leading to her room, and my arms ached to be holding her.

I pushed open the doors gently, trying to be careful not to wake her. The room was pitch dark but I could make out shapes easily with my vampire night enhanced vision. Something was wrong, I couldn't hear the sound of her breathing. 

I jammed my fingers against the light switch, turning the lights on. She was not on the bed, her sheets laid messy without her in it. "Ara?" I called out. There was no response. I rushed around the room, checking the bathroom and wardrobe. "ARA!" I called out, more frantic,

The two guards outside her door rushed in, "Is there something wrong, my King?"

I stalked towards them, grabbing one by the collar. "WHERE IS ARA?"

"I.. I don't know.. She's not left since she came in through the doors we've been guarding..."

"Well she isn't here is she?" I seethed. "Where else could she be you useless cunt? Do you value your life?"

Fear gripped him cold and hard, it was evident in his eyes. They were darting around the room, looking for answers. He gulped nervously, cold sweat was trickling down his forehead. He looked like he was about to shit his pants. 

I looked at the other guard, he looked even more afraid than the first one. His eyes were fixated on something, and I turned to look. The door leading out to the gardens, it was open.


I dashed out, the cold wind hitting me fiercely in all directions.

"ARA!!!!" I shouted out like thunder, still there was no response. I ran further into the woods, my mind running with dangerous and scary thoughts.

"Please, just let her be safe...." I repeated again and again as I tored up the dark forest searching for a glimpse of her.

Images of her limp body from the first time I saw her and after I hit her kept flashing in my mind, and tears of raw fear started to form in my eyes. My mind was going into overdrive, and it was filled with pure panick. I could no longer think straight as I tore down tree after tree that was obstucting my way. 

My eyes darted left and right, trying to spot her. 

"Nathaniel?" a soft voice stopped me in my tracks.


I'm so sorry for the late update! It's been a really busy school term, coupled with a case of writer's block. Either way, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! Don't forget to comment vote <3

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