Of Feelings and First Hunt (CH:10)

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Alana thanked Hannibal after he handed her a glass of red wine before sitting on a couch across from her. They both fell into a comfortable silence that the psychiatrist knows will soon break up with the woman in front of him. While he waited for the other to ask his questions, he looked at the red liquid and smelled the exquisite aroma as he crossed his legs.

Hannibal's face unconsciously formed a smile as he remembered the dinner, which he, Alana, and their young charge had just had. The woman had asked the young man many questions during that time, making the jade-eyed boy dizzy with her endless questions, much to his amusement.

I had asked him his age, hobbies, favorite colors and many unrelated things regarding what the boy does in his past.Herkus had answered him, leaving some of them vague, like what was their parents' occupation and where are they now. Alana had noticed the boy's change in mood when she asked about them and instantly changed the subject. At her searching gaze at him, he nodded slightly, making a silent promise to explain later, after dinner.

That's why both of you are sitting on the couch in the living room, now. His young charge is not seen, as Henrikas had excused himself to his room.

"So Hannibal," Alana began, "How did you become Henrikas's keeper? Where are his parents?" The woman asked, straight to the point and Hannibal could feel her mouth twist slightly upward. Alana has always been one of the most direct people.

"I thought you had your own speculation as to why my young charge was behaving rather ... uneasy after the investigation into the whereabouts of his parents."

Alana sighed, "Yes," her eyes locked on him as she continued, "Her parents are dead, right?" She determines he guessed and sighed again when he nodded, "Poor thing, losing both parents at such a young age too. Do you know how they died?"

Hannibal took a sip of the wine, savoring the slight bitter taste on his tongue before replying, "No, I have never had a chance to investigate it thoroughly. However, this was an unfortunate incident if what Henrikas said is any indication to pass" . ".

Alana looked confused." What do you mean? "

" I'm sure you noticed the slight scar on his forehead. "

Alana nodded," Yes. I was very surprised to see the lightning bolt scar on his face. I found it pretty horrible. But what is the relationship between Scar and her parents? "

" Ah, it has its own connection. Henrikas's parents were in a car accident and he allegedly injured his head during the unfortunate incident. "

Hannibal knew that Henrikas wasn't telling him the whole truth about the incident, but this is as close to the truth as possible. Something different had happened to the parents of their young manager. Something terrible I wanted to solve it. Taking her sweet time to reveal one by one the dark secrets the boy was keeping...

Not that she needed to know that.

Alana's mouth formed an 'O' shape. "What a tragedy, how old is he at the time?"

"About three years old."

"That was just a year ago," Alana said incredulously and he nodded, "How is she holding on? Did she ask about her parents?"

"He," Hannibal paused, searching for the right words before continuing, "Henrikas accepted their deaths quite well, considering he's only four years old." The image of the boy's face when he asked for his parents' names weeks ago is probably the most painful face he would get from his young position. So much pain I could almost taste it. "Maybe his memory also plays a role in how he acts," he added, after thinking about it.

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