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Felix and Violet entered the Dark Blue Cafe with Violet excitedly explaining out an incident.  They turned to take a seat and spotted Minho on the other side rubbing his forehead looking at his textbook with frustration.  They decided to join him.

Violet greeted him enthusiastically and sat next to him with Felix taking a seat infront. Minho sighed loudly hitting his head on the table .

"What's wrong?" Violet asked politely .
Minho looked sideways at her and pointed to his history textbook.

"What aren't you understanding?" She asked pulling up the textbook.

"Everything?" Minho replied with a slight pout .

"Oh dear , I can tutor you in my free time of you want" Violet offered.

"Really ? " Minho asked with hope in his eyes .

"Ofcourse " came the reply.

Minho looked at her with gratefulness and in excitement hugged her something he didn't imagine he'd do either . Violet was taken aback but hugged back happily.

Felix smiled at the sight knowing that Violet tends to bring out the best in everyone.

The door clicked open then with a disheveled and tired looking Changbin entering .

He ordered a Mocha and turned to leave but ofcourse Violet rushed up to him and dragged him back to their table.  He sat down hesitantly muttered out a small hello .

"Where are you returning from?" Violet questioned curiously.

"Somewhere " came the vague reply.

"You make it sound as if you did something illegal " Violet laughed.

Changbin simply stared at her in response.

"I - Holy shit you're intimidating " Violet blurted out truthfully.

Changbin shrugged it off taking a sip of his coffee.

"Actually I wanted to tell you something earlier Violet but ofcourse you just wouldn't shut up " Felix said with a smirk.

"Just get to the point " Violet said rolling her eyes at him.

"The boys and I are going to be joining this dance class that Chan found out about "

"Oh Minho as well?"

"Yup managed to persuade him "

"Ohh cool!" Violet exclaimed clapping her hands .

"So tell Jade won't you ?" He pleaded looking at her with puppy eyes .

"Why can't you tell her yourself?" She asked.

"She hasn't been replying to my texts, I   reckon she must be busy or something "

"Aren't you suspicious?"

"Why would I be ?"

Poignancy [Minsung / Changlix]  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now