Chapter 39- Home

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Bethany's P.O.V

"We think it's best for you if you.. start walking.." Doctor said.

I started screaming from joy and Isac attacked to hug me.

"OMG DID YOU HEARD?!?" I yelled happily.

"YESSS!!! I can walk and we will stay happily together!!" He said and pressed his lips into mine.

"Aww.." Everyone said and clapped.


Isac's P.O.V

There's just not enough words to say how happy I am. Like is this dream or something? I though I would never walk again..

Now we're leaving and it's my first time to walk after my 'accident'.

I pushed myself up from bed and looked and dad, mum and Beth. Ava and doctors were there too.

I took couple steps and I didn't fall!! Yay!!

Slowly my steps become more like walking.

Everyone cheered and clapped their hands.

"You can do it! I knew it!" Dad yelled and hugged me.

"Yeah.. It just hurts little bit.." I said.

"You can leave now but try not to exhaust your legs much." One of doctors said.

I nodded and smiled at them.

"Should we go now?" Mum asked.

"Hell yes. I want to go home." I said and we started walking out.

My walking looked normal but it felt weird and hurted. But this is worth it.

After like 15 minutes we arrived to our house.

"Welcome home!" Mum said and laughed.

I stepped out of the car and went inside of house.

It looked the same beautiful home..

Soon Beth came inside with smiling Ava.

"Beth can you come to my room?" I asked. She nodded and we started walking up the stairs.

Bethany's P.O.V

What is he up to this time?

I closed his room's door and suddenly he just attacked kissing me with much passion.

"God I missed this.." he mumbled between the kiss.

It made me smiled and I layed Isac on the bed.

I was ontop of him but he rolled us over so he was on top.


"Isac doctors said you need to rest.." I said when he started kissing my neck.

"I don't care. God I've just wanted you so bad.." he groaned and sucked on my skin.

"Oh god.." I moaned.

I felt him tooking my shirt off but I pulled him away.

"Isac no. You seriously need to take it easy. You still wanna walk right." I said and stooded up.

"I know.. Sorry. It is just hard to keep my hands away from you." he winked and hugged me.

"IIISAAACCCC!!!" We heard Fredi yelling.

"Not now.." Isac mumbled.

"COMING!!" He yelled back and started walk downstairs.

He walked pretty slow but I understand it.

I gave you everything LundénWhere stories live. Discover now