Prefects' Bathroom

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*Ron's Point Of View*

I can't tear my eyes away from the direction Bella left, even though I can't see under the invisibility cloak. I hear her footsteps padding away, and even when I'm not able to see her, I still can imagine the sway of her hips under that cloak and how every inch of her calls to me... how I'd love to tear off that cloak and everything underneath...

"You two had your fun last night, didn't you?" Harry remarks once Bella is gone.

"Oh, hush," I sigh, rising as I tug on my clothes for the day.

"Hush?" Harry lifts an eyebrow and twists his lips to stifle a laugh. "You two didn't exactly hush last night, did you?"

"Harry," I snap, feeling my face grow hot. "We don't have to talk about this, okay?"

"But we do," Harry insists, smiling devilishly and poking my shoulder as he raises his voice with each word. "Because if in nine months Bella is pushing out a little redheaded baby-"

"HARRY!" I cry out, slapping my hand over his mouth.

"The hell?" cackles Seamus FInnegan, sitting up in his bed a room over.

"Oh Ron, oh Ron," Harry moans in an obnoxiously high-pitched tone, dramatically bucking his hips and gripping my bedpost with one hand.

"Blimey," Dean grumbles from the bunk above Seamus and pulls the covers over his head. 

"You stop that, Harry," I snap, giving him a solid punch between the shoulder blades as he doubles over in laughter. I lean in a little closer to his ear and whisper, "Was it that bad?"

"Yeah, mate. I'm sure they heard you down in the Slytherin commons," Harry chokes out between laughs. "Next time go into the prefects' bathroom, will you?"

"Do not give him ideas," Seamus snorts. 

"I hate the lot of you," I huff. 

"Do we need to have a chat about the birds and bees, Ronniekins?" Harry sing-songs. "About you and Bella essentially furthering the Weasley bloodline metres away from the rest of us?" 

"Stop it." There's no doubt now that my face must be a few shades redder than even my hair. "Let's refocus. When do you think Bella will be back?" 

"Is this twenty questions? Just go after her," Dean shouts from underneath his mound of blankets.

"Do you think she'll want to- do you think she'll want to do that again?" I ask timidly in a voice only Harry can hear. Harry rolls his eyes in response. "Is that a yes?" He gives me the finger, and I do it back but accept that as my answer of duh, you idiot, and push past him to follow in the path Bella fled. I take off down the hall as fast as my legs will carry me until I slam into an unseen force. It's Bella, of course, under the cloak. My weight slamming into her from behind causes her to trip and fall forward as the cloak slips down off her back. Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I stop her from hitting the ground as I securely and firmly lock my arms around her waist and tug her back up to her feet. The cloak lands at her feet and I see her turn and smile at me with her face now revealed. My body is leaning into her and I'm pressed up against her bum in all the places I want to be. Bella looks surprised that I've gotten to her so fast, and also not, but all I can think of is the heat draining from my face as it travels down through my entire body and the way I'm almost overwhelmed by the beautiful scent of her with my nose in her hair.

"Ron," Bella giggles. "You caught me!"

I feel the movement of her laughter against me and I am no longer able to think of anything other than how badly I want her. "Put that cloak back on," I croak hoarsely, my fingers trembling as I run them over her skin.

"Ron," Bella says, continuing to giggle but stops when I gently squeeze my fingers on each of her shoulders. "What are you-"

"Cover us up," I demand roughly in her ear, snatching the cloak up off the floor and tossing it into her hands. "Right now." My voice is strong and she hurriedly does as she's told. In one swift movement, I pivot while still holding her and pin her up against the wall, every inch of my body touching every inch of hers. 

"Ron," Bella breathes, brown eyes widening. "Oh." I feel her pulse quickening, beating like hummingbird wings and twice as fast, as she swallows hard and looks up at me into my eyes.

"We're going to the prefects' bathroom," I tell her as I crash my mouth hungrily into hers.

"B-but the potion for Draco?" she murmurs against my lips.

"Later," I say, keeping the cloak tight around both of us as I carry her down the hall. She's light like a bird and I can feel nothing but every steady beat of my heart as I practically fly her down to the prefects' bathroom. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now