1|The Dementor Attack

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Reader's POV

I walked hastily on the platform as the Weasley family and my friends Harry Potter and Hermione Granger followed behind me with my trolley rattling. I had stayed with them for the past week in the Leaky Cauldron since my parents had to go out of the country to visit my muggle family.

Yep. I'm a half-blood; my dad's a wizard, he married my mum who was a muggleborn. I had my dad's (e/c), and my mum's (h/c). During my first year at Hogwarts, I was often bullied because of my blood status. My dad's family was very famous for being blood traitors and he married a muggleborn. But I didn't care, I'm proud to be a half-blood. At least I had friends like Harry, Ron and Hermione at school.

"Hurry up (y/n)!" I heard Fred Weasley shout behind me. "You don't want the barrier to close like last year!"

"Because if you don't," Fred's twin George yelled. "You'll probably find another flying car with Ron and Harry to share with to get to Hogwarts!"

I saw Mrs. Weasley slapping the back of the twins' heads a second after. I rolled my eyes at this.

"(y/n) dearie you first!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.

I dashed my feet, my hands holding my trolley tightly. "Hold on there Ozzy." I whispered to my eagle owl Ozzy who was hooting wildly in his cage. I ran towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

And with a blink, I saw the Hogwarts Express awaiting on the platform packed with people. The Weasleys, Harry and Hermione soon followed after me.

"Guys!" I heard a familiar voice called.

It was Neville Longbottom, one of my friends at school. He came running towards us excitedly and chatted with us for a few minutes.

Soon, we all boarded the train and waved goodbye to our families as the train departed for Hogwarts.

"Ron! Ron!" Mrs. Weasley was screaming.

"Ron, it's your Mum!" I hissed to him.

He immediately looked outside the window, Mrs. Weasley was scurrying with a face of panic and was holding Ron's pet rat Scabbers.

Ron then took hold of his pet.

"For goodness sake!" said Mrs. Weasley. "Don't lose him!"

Ron's face then flushed red with embarassment as he waved goodbye to Mrs. Weasley.

"I'll be sitting somewhere — on my own." Neville said awkwardly.

"I'll sit with you Neville!" said Ginny cheerfully, but then hid her face as she looked at Harry and proceeded to find a compartment with Neville.

"So it's true then Harry?" I asked Harry in curiousity.

"What's true?" he told me.

"That you blew up your aunt this summer?"

Harry then stopped for a split second as he blushed. Ron, meanwhile, began howling with laughter.

"I didn't mean to blow her up," said Harry blunty. "I just — lost control."

"Brilliant!" Ron chuckled.

Teacher's Pet: Remus Lupin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now