Chapter 12

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Draco received a surprise when he walked into the café on Friday morning. For the first time in their entire friendship, Hermione was already seated at their usual table.

"Granger. A little early for you isn't it?"

She didn't respond, but merely slid a folded piece of parchment across the table, practically bouncing up and down in her chair.

Draco raised an eyebrow in her direction. "And what's this? You weren't serious about actually bringing legal action against me because I ate the last bite of your scone yesterday, were you?"

"Oh, just read it, you prat!"

Draco heaved a dramatic sigh and received the desired eye roll in return. Sometimes it was all too easy to rile Granger up if she hadn't had enough of her tea yet. His grey eyes scanned the parchment and he shot her a genuine grin across the table.

"They approved you to attend the Venice conference? That's excellent!"

"I know, I know, but keep reading!" she ushered him excitedly.

Returning to the letter, his eyes and grin widened as he reached the bottom. "They want you to present on the Mermish Runes? Granger, that's amazing!"

She beamed back at him as he returned her letter and Draco could tell his enthusiasm pleased her. "I got the letter just as I was leaving my office yesterday. I almost sent you an owl last night but I wanted to tell you in person. You're the first one to know."

"Me? Why?"

Him. Not Weasley. Not Potter. Not She-Weasel. Not her parents. Him.

Hermione blushed and stammered and Draco groaned inwardly at how lovely it made her look. "Well—be-because it was you, really, that helped me along. How many times did you read through my application letter with me?"

"Forty-two, but who's counting?"

Hermione tried to shoot him a withering glare, but failed as her delighted grin would not quit. Riding the high of the professional accomplishment she'd achieved, Draco decided to try his luck.

"I think a celebration is in order. Let's try that new place downtown tonight, I hear they stock over 50 different vintages of champagne and I say we don't leave until you've sampled every single one."

That got the grin to slide off her face. Had he said something wrong? Why did she suddenly look like he'd uttered something hurtful?

"I do have plans tonight, actually," she said carefully, no longer meeting his eyes.

"Working late does not count as 'plans' Granger. Especially on a Friday night. Come on, let me take you out."

She still wouldn't look at him. Merlin, could she not take a joke anymore? That was nothing if not a mild jab at her workaholic tendencies. Tendencies he happened to admire in her.

"I am... going out to dinner with someone," she murmured.

"With Weasley?"

"It's Potter."


"I know you meant Ginny, and again, her last name is Potter and no, not with Ginny."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Granger. So what, do you have a date or something?"

When she broke out in a furious blush, Draco felt his insides go cold. He'd guessed correctly, she had a date tonight. Twenty fucking points to Slytherin.

"Yes, actually, Padma set me up with Anthony Goldstein. He was in our year, in Ravenclaw."

"I see," he bit out in a clipped tone. Draco had zero memory of whatever Ravenclaw git she'd just name-dropped, but made a mental note to spend the rest of the work day investigating him. "And where is your new beau taking you tonight?"

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