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Yes I know... another chapter.

I'd like to know where people are reading from so if you want, go ahead and comment your country.

I myself am writing from Denmark;)


"It's here!" I exclaimed when I got a letter from the ministry the very next morning. I had been waiting for my apparition license for weeks and now it was finally here, meaning I was allowed to apparate. I had learned to do so during training so now I could apparate any time I felt like it.

"What's here?" George asked, slowly crawling out of bed to join me by the window where one of the ministry's owls flew away again.

"My license." I told him with a smile, showing it to him. "I have my license. I can apparate now!"

"Great! Then I won't have to take you everywhere!" he joked and I playfully shoved him in the chest. He laughed loudly, wrapping his arms around me. "It's a good morning, then... huh?"

"A very good morning." I smiled, placing my license on the top of the dresser before looking up at George. I softly pressed my lips to his, my arms wrapping tightly around his neck. He ran a hand down my back and gave my bum a little squeeze which caused me to giggle against his lips.

"Is our little boy having a good morning as well?" George muttered and dropped to his knees. I ran my hands into his hair, smiling when he pressed a kiss to my clothed tummy.

"It might be a girl."

"Yes, but I choose to trust your instinct." he smiled up at me before he slid a hand under my shirt and rested it against the skin of my stomach. "There's a baby in there. Isn't that odd?"

"It's life." I grinned. "And we made this baby."

"We made him." he whispered, pressing another kiss to my stomach before he stood up. "I'm hungry, are you? Let's go see if mum's made breakfast."

He placed his hand on my jaw and leaned down to kiss me while we slowly moved towards the door, never breaking the contact between our lips. We managed to get the door open and continued out into the hallway where we literally bumped into Ron.

"Bloody hell." he groaned, taking a long step away from us while George and I broke the kiss. "Snogging belongs in the bedroom. I would like to walk down for breakfast in the morning without getting trapped in all of this love."

"You're just jealous that you haven't got anyone to snog!" George called after him as Ron made his way down the stairs.

"George, we've talked about this." I said, gently grabbing his arm.

"And I've told you that Ron is too much of a fanny to ever make a move on Hermione." he said. "It's not going to happen."

"Wanna bet?"

"Oh you wanna bet?" he mocked with a grin. "How much?"

"Twenty galleons that..."

"Twenty galleons?!" he exclaimed. "No way. Five."


"Deal." he nodded. "Ten galleons that when the year is over, Ron still hasn't made a move."

"When the year is over? C'mon, Georgie. That's five months. That's nothing."

"When the year is over." he confirmed and I thought about it for a moment before I groaned and held out a hand. "Nuh-uh, that's not how we make a bet as husband and wife."

I raised an eyebrow at him but my expression turned into a smile when he placed a hand on my waist and pulled me close. For a brief moment, he simply rested his forehead against mine. He then tilted hiss head and kissed me softly.

"Now I really am hungry." he whispered and pulled away again. He grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs together. Molly handed us a plate each before we sat down at the table which had pancakes, blueberries, sirup, chocolate sauce and a lot of other stuff as well. I loved breakfast at the Burrow, I loved lunch at the Burrow and I loved dinner at the Burrow. Especially since I got pregnant. I've just become really obsessed with food in general.

"Lizzie!" Fred's voice suddenly sounded throughout the house and I looked up to see him by the railing.


"Have you borrowed one of my books lately? Perhaps a red one with black writing?"

"No." I chuckled. "Why? Have you lost it?"

"Yeah and you used to steal my books." He said. "Though you were also always honest with me if I asked... I don't know where I've put it then."

He banged his hand against the railing before making his way back to the room.

"He should learn to keep his things organized." Bill spoke from across the table. "It's must easier."

"They both should." I agreed, glancing at George who sat next to me. "I keep telling them at the flat to stop making a mess."

"At least we help you clean on the weekends." George said and reached over me to grab the orange juice. "Not everyone would do that."

"It would be even better if you just put your shoes neatly by the door when you take them off." I said and looked at him. "And if you put the cap back on the toothpaste when you've finished it, I would be so damn grateful."

George laughed softly. "You wanna talk bad habits? You know how you play around with your rings sometimes? How you keep dropping them?"

"That is nothing compared to messing up the entire flat." I argued. "Do you want me to keep going? Cause I can keep going."

"Alright." He turned sideways on his chair and looked at me. "Go on."

"Right." I breathed. "There's my books. If you've been wanting to read one of them, you never put it back where it was. I have a system, y'know. They are color coded and a green book does not belong in the yellow section, George."

"I can see just how terrible that is." He nodded with a grin.

"The toilet paper, George. It needs to go over... not under."

"The toilet paper." He hummed, brushing two fingers over his bottom lip.

"And then there's the sofa cushions. The stripes on them has to be horizontal, not vertical."

"Merlin's beard." Ron spoke. "George, you married a control freak."

"I'm not a control freak!" I argued. "I just like to have things a certain way. Otherwise I can't focus properly."

"It's okay, love." George smiled and brushed some hair behind my ear. "I love you even if you are a control freak."

"I'm not!"

"Okay." He laughed, holding up his hands in surrender. "I think the pregnancy hormones are starting to kick in."


"George, stop bugging her." Molly said as she approached and sat down by the table.

"I'm not bugging her. I can't bug her. She's my wife."

"And my daughter-in-law." Molly told him. "She's pregnant and if I know her right, she's going to be feisty. In these magical months, she is more of a saint than usual."

"Listen to your mother." I said, nudging George with my shoulder. "She's a smart woman."

One and Only 2 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now