🌊 XIII 🌊

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"Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction"

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"Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction"


"I shall not follow you any longer. I shall return back home where I belong. You cannot take me away, Demon!" She says with anger but hides the fact that her own words hurt her heart. The ocean she feels like she belongs and she doesn't want to leave and yet at the same time she doesn't want to follow him. Not knowing if he is a Demon or not (though she is leaning towards not) and while she wants to know all the answers of all questions that her mind comes up with, it does not mean that she should give her life for them.

Poseidon lets out a sigh as he knew it would take some time to get her to trust him. Still, he thought it would be easier now that she has seen his world and is now actually living in it. "The answers do not swim to you, you have to swim towards them and catch them into your hands. I take it you are not familiar with fishing?" He asks her and she rolls her eyes. "Why would a Princess such myself associate with such activities?" She asks him, making a mock out of him for it is clear that he enjoys it.

What she fails to know is that he's not talking about using a rod or a net but swimming after a fish and catching it with bare hands and then letting it go, but still Poseidon can only chuckle at her as there is much that she doesn't know about the world that she quite literally dived down into. "Do not ask me for the ocean only knows the answer" He speaks and backs away from her. Leaving the Princess with a frown on her face and a hard glare in her eyes.

For a moment Isolde had actually forgotten about the fact that she is actually breathing underwater and that she is there and not dying or dead. Thomas has made her forget that and her has made her forget all about logic and everything in between the heaven and earth. All that she can focus on is her some what anger towards him and her annoyance but also his pretty eyes which she can't help but look into, even to glare at them. "And what else does the ocean know?" She asks him annoyed as her eyes are only on him.

Even with all the beauty around her the one that strikes the most in her heart are his eyes as they hold more beauty than all that she can see around her, still never in a million years would she ever admit it, not even to herself. It is a secret that only her own mind will keep locked up in a cage that not even she can open and there it will stay and no one will ever be able to break it. He smirks at her and gives her an amused look. "The truth is hidden beneath the waves and one must dive in order to reach it" He speaks.

Her face grows into confusion as she furrows her eyebrows at him. "You are a poet" She then speaks after a moment. The way that he speaks with riddles and poetry does confuse her greatly and she fears that she might never know what he is on about. "Perhaps, perhaps not. The ocean knows" He tells her and she can't help but glare daggers into his skull. If she had some sort of weapon she would've most likely have tried to hit him, she would've failed but she would've at least tried.

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