Chapter 31. Messing with Professors ☾

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A/N I own nothing...I have been not very active lately sorry for not updating...

Looking back, Harry might have made a mistake in allowing a Marauder back into his old hunting grounds. Although he kept his promise not to prank Professor Snape, they probably should have secured a promise that he would not make trouble for any other professors, staff, or students. To his credit, the first day's prank was not technically his fault.

After everyone in the Gryffindor dorm had gone to bed that night, Sirius had changed back into human form and spent some time talking to Harry. Of course, Harry would never give up a chance to talk with his godfather, so he readily spent an hour in conversation with the animagus. During that time, Sirius casually mentioned that he thought his dog name was funny, since the Hogwarts motto was in fact "Never tickle a sleeping dragon." This had led Harry down a trail he probably should not have been thinking as he went to sleep.

The next morning, his plan decided, Harry jaunted out of bed and over to Draco's sleeping form. Draco was then awoken by Harry, tickling him mercilessly. The blond-not at all amused-grabbed his wand and hexed Harry away. Harry was busting up laughing.

"What was that for?" Draco shouted, trying to protect himself from a further attack.

"Well, you know, the school motto." Harry explained.

"What?" Draco replied angrily.

"Never tickle a sleeping dragon." Harry giggled, falling onto his bed. Draco threw a pillow at his friend's face.

"Yeah, never." Draco reminded him as he himself tried unsuccessfully to hold in his laughter.

"Since when do I follow the rules?" Harry asked, innocently. Now, Draco had to laugh. Dragon looked very proud of his godson's clever prank.

However, the rest of the pranks circling the school had Sirius' name all over them. First, there was the attempt at an innocent game of "tag" between Dragon and Professor McGonagall. To his credit, she may have been a bit more receptive if she had not been in her animagus form at the time, and he had not growled at her to start the game. In the end, though, he learned his lesson when he tried the same thing on Mrs. Norris and ended up coming back covered in scratches. How was he supposed to know Filch's cat fought dirty?

The next day, the Slytherins all curiously found themselves sporting either gaudy red or brilliant bronze hair as they walked out of their common room into the Great Hall. Professor Snape was stumped, but Professor Flitwick was both flummoxed and slightly amused at the fact he could not for the life of him change the hair back. To the Slytherins' relief, the dye job only lasted one day.

After that, specific targets found themselves at the wrong end of a prank of which they could figure no reason for. Ron woke up with donkey ears one day after he had told Harry to keep his mutt away from Scabbers. He claimed the dog looked on the rat with murderous rage, but he could not tell the Boy-Who-Lived why he thought so. Yet, the donkey ears stayed for only a few days before they turned back to normal.

A few days following the donkey ears incident, Professor McGonagall was peeved and slightly amused at the fact that she found cans of cat food randomly placed throughout her classroom and office. One time, she even found a note apologizing for an affront she seemed not to remember. What student had chased her around the castle this year?

The twins were called in after a particularly nasty prank was played on Argus Filch. Apparently, a yellow canary had begun to follow him around tweeting every time he opened his mouth. The twins looked awed and very tickled that the professors seemed to think them the geniuses behind the pranks.

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