Chapter 14: The Farm

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Nille begins to wake up, her visions blurry and head aches hard. She can feel a bump on her head, trying to recall the night before. Her eyes open fully and she jerks upright " QUALM, OVI!?". She looks around, still not able to see straight but she knows her two companions are not there. What she does see is a dark room with worn red paint and hey and straw scattered around on the floor.
At this point Nille knows she's in a barn and stands up. Having trouble she wobbles, whoever hit her last night really got to her. She looks around for more clues but to no avail. The door to the barn is locked and won't even budge. She yells again "OVI, QUALM!" This time louder, she stumbles back to the floor and sighs.
An hour later Nilles eyesight is nearly returned. The lock to the door begins to churn. Nille moves quickly to behind a straw bale, and the door creaks open with a blinding light leaking into the room and a shadow looming with it and a voice rings out. Nille understood only that it wasn't draconic, she peaked over the bake only so she could see the door. Some muffled grumbling is heard intill in perfect draconic the voice spoke again, "Kobold, come out, show yourself or I'll burn the whole barn along with you."
              Nille's heart skipped a beat, this human can speak draconic, who are they. " well, any second now". Nille yells "WHO ARE YOU, WHERE AM I". The shadow moves, the face of the being faces the sound of Nilles shrill call. "Neither of those questions matter, you are mine and you need to remember tha..." a thud is heard from outside the door. "OW" a figure walks into the room. "What did I tell you about scaring our guests" the figure said talking to the other. "I'm sorry father", the voice said, both of these things speak perfect draconic, Nilles confusion increases.
              "So I'm guessing your Nille." The  silhouette said while walking towards Nille. "Come out and talk, Ovi and Qaulm have already told me about your adventure." Nilles eyes were starting to adjust to the sun and she could almost make out the being coming forth in front of her.

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