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That night I didn't sleep well at all. I turned over to look at my phone and it was around 4:35 am. I got out of bed and went downstairs to the study. I was wearing shorts and an oversized baggy t-shirt. When I got to the study I saw the piano. I hadn't played since I turned off my humanity. When Damon brought me back, I hadn't even been able to look at a piano. Considering I was half awake, I didn't think too much of it. I went over to it and sat down.

 Playing again felt good. I had always been the musician of the family. I used to sing and play instruments all the time. I decided to sing. Now that felt really good. Softly singing and hitting the notes while trying not to wake Damon up. As I was playing, I began to let some tears fall down onto the keys but that didn't stop me from continuing to play.

When I finished I put my hands on my lap and sighed. I let another tear fall and I felt cold again until I felt a pair of strong arms cover me from behind me. "I missed hearing you play kiddo" Damon let go of me and sat next to me on the seat. "I just couldn't bring myself to do it. After you brought me back i-" another tear fell as Damon held me ever so tightly. "I know" he whispered to me and I let out another sigh. We both sat there for a brief moment until there was a loud bang at the door. With a sigh, Damon turned to me "Stay here" Damon let me go and got up. I swung around my seat to face his back "I'm not a baby Damon'' He turned around and gave me a sarcastic smile. 

"Stay" I rolled my eyes and nodded

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"Stay" I rolled my eyes and nodded. It wasn't until a few seconds later I heard quiet bickering coming from the lounge room. I used my super-hearing to try and make out the voice yelling. But Damon was smart. He left the water on. Damon should know that I never obey orders, and with that, I got up without a care and went to the lounge room "Damon you left th-" I could physically feel my blood boil. I felt myself getting more aggressive by the second. Damon sped over to me and held me by the shoulders. "Hey! Hey, Kiddo look at me, hey" I looked into Damon's eyes still full of rage. "What. Is. He. Doing. Here." said aggressively between breaths. "I still live here Kiddo" Damon looked over "Not helping Brother'' he said in a sarcastic tone. I turned my head to look at the man standing in the room. "You lost the right to call me that years ago" Damon moved to stand in front of me. "Go wait in the study kiddo, ok? I'll be there in a sec" I took a big breath as Damon removed his hand from my shoulders. I gave the Man one more glare and stormed out of the room back into the study.

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