B i l a n g XXXVI

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"I don't want to go to the palace." I said.

"You have no choice sister, the meeting will be held at Cailevi's residence so no one would be suspicious." I glare at the bug. The meeting that was suppose to be yesterday was moved because Levi forgot about the time.

"Why not here?" I asked.

"They're already suspicious of the Duke." I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just go." I said.

I don't really like the palace, not only Luxius and Sanse are living there but also because Imperial palace is a complicated place.

"We'll escort you lady Arthia." I look at Caesar.

"Where's the Duke?" I asked.

"He was summoned by the Emperor, he'll be at the Prince' Palace after."

I just sat at the Kalesa, the bug is infront of me. He's not smiling or what, he really reminds me of my past self and I'm proud that I raised him that way. No one will be able to use you against me, because I raise you strong.

I look outside and see the busy commoners.

"Have you heard the rumors sister?"

"What rumors again?" I asked.

"Remember two years ago, there's a unnamed monster going around the Empire and is feeding blood of humans?"

"What about those absurd rumors?" I asked.

"They came back." He said seriously. "So I think I should stay by your side by day and night--"

"That's a nice excuse, but no." I said then rolled my eyes. After hours of tr0aveling we reach Levi's Palace called, Frisicia Palace. I sigh and followed Caesar.

"Let's wait for him." He said when we reach the main living room. I look at the seants around us.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"There's a possibility that they are with the Duke, they'll be here soon." Caesar said.

I look around the living room, it's dark blue and gold. It's not my first time here, I've been here a lot because of unknown reason, maybe I forgot.

"I'll go to Levi." I said. I look at Den when she ready herself to follow me. "Alone." I said then turn around, the seevants open the door for me, I walk the hallway to Levi's study because he's probably there.

I did not come here to wait for him and those aristocrats.

I reach the end of the hallways and that's his study's door. I was aboout to open it myself cause the servant's doesn't plan to and dare to speak to me. I look at them.

"The Prince has a very important visitor."

"That's me, open the door." I did not come here to wait.

If only Levi knows how to manage his time.

"Open the door, hurry!" I said, they look at each other.

"We can't my lady--"

I push the other servant.

"Let me through!" I shouted.

"We really can't my lady." He said, I don't know if he's about to to cry or what but he's irritating.

"Who is the very inportant guest then?" I asked.

"We can't--"

"Then let me se--"

"What's the matter here?" The servants bow at the voice so I turn around to see the voice who dared to interrupt me. I raise one of my brow when I saw a old lady with huge skirt.

Bigger than mine!

I've never seen her before.

"Your excellency Clair." A concubine?

She looked at me without smiling and that's a famillar aura! When did I saw that lined lips?

"What might be your business with the first Prince?" I also notice that she has four servants behind her.

Wow, never seen a concubine with for servant, usually they only have one.

Before I could forget, I slightly bow to show respect, still higher than me.

I hate this.

"I want to see Levi." I said.

She raised her brow.

"Levi, you say." She look at me from head to toe. "What might be your business with my son?" She asked proudly. I smiled, she's trying to scare me away, obviously.

"That might be too personal for you to know." I said. "So let me in." I turn around  and look at the seevant, the servant I pushed is already standing. "Open--" The door opened from the inside and a lady with golden hair came out with a smile in her face, I immedoately look for Levi, he's now seriously looking at me.

So she's the important guest?

"Mother Clair!" The lady joyfully greeted the concubine, I look at the lady trying to remember her name and her family.

Golden hair and green eyes, very common. She's Kleigh from House of Inos. I smiled at her fakely when our eyes met.

"Lady Arthia." We bowed at each other, she's two years older than me.

"It's nice to see you Lady Inos." I said and look at Levi, he's just watching with his pen on his hand, I raise my brow.

"What brings you here?" She asked joyfully.

"I came here to see Prince Cailevi." Her eyes widened, she's still smiling.

"She's got a personal business with your fiance." I look at Levi's mother. She totally doesn't like me.

"Your excellence, Cai is not my fiance yet!"


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