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Chrissy Alberta Weasley
Resting peacefully
1997 ✝︎ 1997

"Mum met her after all." I said as George and I stood and watched our deceased daughter's grave. We managed to have her buried next to my mum. It was George's idea to name her after my mum and the middle name was my idea because I knew how much he liked the name.

"She'll take care of her in heaven." George assured me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, squeezing me gently against his body. I felt numb. Once again, that feeling was there and I hated it. It was worse than anger and worse than sadness.

I kept wondering... imagining what our daughter would have looked like if she was full term. If she would have my hair of George's. Whose eyes she would have. And when she grew up and got older. What house would she have been it. Would she take after us and end up in Gryffindor or be in Hufflepuff like her uncle Benjamin.

"What if I can't have a child?" I asked. George looked down at me as he heard my words. "What if this is a sign of me being unable to carry to full term? If we never have a baby?"

George turned me around towards him. He cupped my face in his hands and pressed a kiss to my forehead before pulling me in for a warm hug. "What did Aline say about it?"

"That is most likely happened due to the amount of stress I've been under lately." I whispered into his chest. "But it's not medically proved that stress can cause a miscarriage."

"Then there is no way to know if it was stress or if you can't carry. Either way, when we're both ready, we can try again and if you are unable to carry, there're always other options."

He rested his chin on the top of my head while his hand rubbed up and down my back in a comforting motion. It was weird how one person could make you feel so safe. A lot of people made me feel safe but with George it was a lot more comforting.

"Oh shit." I cursed and pulled away. "Bill and Fleur are getting married in three days. I completely forgot about that."

"Don't worry. Bill said we don't have to attend if it's too hard with what happened."

"Are you crazy?" I scoffed. "We're gonna be there. We're gonna try and push away our grief to be there for your brother when he gets married."

"Okay." George agreed, nodding at me. My eyes flicked back to the headstone while George locked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "It's starting to rain, my love. Do you want to go back?"

I held out a hand and just as he said, it was starting to rain. A few drops landed in my hand and I looked up at the sky to see the grey clouds hanging above us. Everyone else who were with us for the funeral of our daughter had gone back a while ago while George and I stayed but it seemed like it was time to head back.

"I think that would be wise." I muttered. I looked down to see him extend his hand to me and I grabbed it before he apparated us to the living room of the Burrow. Ginny who was sitting on the sofa, screamed in fright and fell off.

I couldn't help but smile and how funny it was and George chuckled as Fred who came down the stairs broke into a loud laughter. While a smile stayed on George's face, he walked over to help his sister up and she thanked him while glaring at Fred.

"I'm gonna go take a nap." I announced, folding my arms over my chest. Everyone looked at me so I just silently made my way towards the stairs.

"I'll be up in a minute." George told me and I simply nodded without looking at him. When I stepped up onto the first step, Fred gently wrapped his hand around my arm to make me look at him.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a soft yet low tone. I sent him a weak smile as I shrugged.

"No." I admitted. "But with time I will be."

"Well, I'm here for you. Always will be. Even when you start to feel okay again."

"Thanks." I smiled and hugged him before continuing up and into the room. I got comfortable in the bunk, cuddling up under the covers and it didn't go long before George joined me, pulling me close by wrapping his arms around me.

"We could both use some sleep, don't you think?" he whispered and I hummed in response, closing my eyes while snuggling up to his chest. "I love you."

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