insecurites + tips <3

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i wanted to post this becauser  i do post a lot of skinny girls in tight dresses because those are the only ones i find  and seeing you compare your body to them breaks my heart.

hi so i seen a lot of comments about you guys comparing
to the outfits i post and you shouldn't honesty :(

i read your guys comments about stretch marks and
i'm gonna tell you guys how you can fade them away.
you can put vics on them right before you got to sleep , aloe vera gel and vitamin A on them daily , the results don't happen right away but sooner or later you will see them. i tried these and they have worked but they don't go away completely but they will be less noticeable :)

n.e waysss never be ashamed or emabarrsed by your body and never change it for anyone but yourself when your comfy with it. you shouldn't have to worry about fitting into beauty standards (blue eyes , blond hair and tiny waist)
because you don't need to.

just be yourself and i love you, you can always dm me :)

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