The Spear of Selene

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The family were flying through a storm in the Sunchaser. The plane shook as Donald was putting on protective gear on. The plane tilted upward, sending Donald rolling across the plane. "Aw, come on, a little lightning never killed anyone." Launchpad said, who was piloting the plane. "Statistically speaking..." Huey couldn't finish as the plane was struck by lightning. Everyone but Charlotte screamed as an alarm was blaring. Launchpad smashed his fist on some buttons and everything returned to normal. "See? Nothin' to worry about." Launchpad said.

A flashing red light began to beep. "Well, what about that flashing red light?" Webby asked. "Huh?" Launchpad banged his fist on the light, but nothing happened. "That's just probably the 'everything is fine' light." Launchpad said. "Okay, but hypothetically, what if it's the 'everything is not fine' light?" Dewey asked. Launchpad gasped. "Oh, no!" Launchpad then began to pull levers and push buttons, his hands off the steering wheel. The plane began to nosedive downward as everyone began to scream in terror, except for Charlotte, who just looked on in fear. Even with the many dangers she's encountered with everyone, she still refuses to use her voice.

The plane crashed on a remote island. As soon as they did, the weather changed from a storm to a sunny day. Everyone looked out the window. "Where are we?" Louie asked. "According to the JWG, we're off the tip of Greece, and... wait, this cant be right. I thought it was a myth." Huey said. "What? What is this place?" Louie asked. "Ithaquack." Scrooge answered. "What!?" Donald asked, all tangled up in some rope. Charlotte looked out the window to see Greek homes and even a Greek temple at the top of a massive hill. Everyone was gawking at the beautiful sight.

"No. No, no, no. We gotta go, now." Donald said. "Get this plane in the air!" Scrooge ordered Launchpad. "Sorry, Mr. McD, gotta figure out what this flashing light means. I always say, better safe than... whatever the opposite of safe is. Yeah. I do say that." Launchpad said. "When have you ever said that!?" Scrooge asked. "Hmm. Might as well take a look around." Webby suggested. Everyone cheered as they ran out the plane. "No!" Donald shouted. "Everyone stay on the plane!" Scrooge instructed. The only one who didn't exit the plane was Charlotte, who did what Scrooge said.

After about a few seconds, Donald exited the plane to gather up the kids. Louie was lying down on the beach when Donald stood beside him, blocking the sun. Huey was already in Donald's arms. "You're in my light." Louie said as he turned around on his side. Donald picked him up and carried them to the plane. "No. We have to get back to the plane. You don't know what's out there." Donald said. "What could be dangerous about a beautiful Grecian vacation island?" Louie asked.

Donald was then tackled to the ground, causing Donald to let go of Huey and Louie. When they turned to see who it was, they saw a giant stork hugging Donald while laughing with pure joy, even tossing Donald into the air before catching him. "Oh, glorious day! May the fates sing of your return, friend Donald, sailor of the seven seas!" He said. "Hiya, buddy." Donald responded.

The stork gasped once he spotted Huey and Louie, dropping Donald. He pointed between Donald and the boys before scooping them up. "Be these colorful creatures your kin? By Hephaestus' Hammer, half-grown heroes in the making!" He said. "Um, who are you?" Huey asked. "Your uncle must've told tale of Storkules! Colossus of Corinth, hero of Heliopolis, and, my proudest accomplishment, best friend to Donald Duck." Storkules grabbed Donald's hand and made him do a secret handshake with him. Storkules? I've only heard of that name once before. "The Storkules of Greek legend is your best friend!?" Huey asked Donald. "Uh, more like an acquaintance." Donald answered. "Ha-ha! Thine tongue be as quick and mighty as, well, me." Storkules patted Donald on the back, digging Donald deep into the ground.

"Donald! Get the boys onboard! We can't let him know we're here." Scrooge said. "Can't let who know we're here?" Louie asked. Thunder rumbled as the sky darkened. Charlotte shrank back, staying close to Scrooge. A tall figure descended from the sky on a cloud. "Scrooge McDuck! You dare defy the will of Zeus?" Zeus emerged from the darkness, holding a lightning bolt like a staff. "The King of the Gods!? Get out!" Huey exclaimed. "Oh, so many questions. Do you control all storms, or just lightning? Does being immortal also make you impervious to pain? Do you cry?" Huey stomped on Zeus' foot. Huey gasped as Louie covered his mouth. "You know where I can find a good gyro?" Louie asked Zeus. "Always ask the locals." Louie whispered to Huey. "The myths are real! This place is amazing!" Huey said. "It used to be amazing, until Scrooge and his mortal riffraff showed up and ruined it!" Zeus said. "What!?" Both Huey and Louie asked. Scrooge and Donald only looked at each other. Charlotte continued to stay close to Scrooge. Zeus was reminding her of someone she wanted to forget.

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