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The next day,which is Durin's day,the last day they would be able to enter the mountain came.

With the orcs dead,the group traveled uninterrupted. They admired the scenery of the Lonely mountain. Bilbo searched for the stairway while they were busy staring at the peak.

"Over here!" they climbed as quickly as their feet could take them. Chara just watched as they ascend higher and higher. As they reached the top however,Chara was already there,sitting over the cliff,staring into the horizon. Bilbo was about to say something,but decided not to.

"What?" Chara grinned.

"The last light of Durin's day will show you the keyhole. Quick!" they searched and searched,but no keyhole was found. The sun finally dissapeared into the horizon.

"NO!" Thorin wailed in disbelief.
They failed,the last light of Durin's day is gone.

"Ehem!" Chara tried to catch the group attention. She punched the wall,making the 30-inches thick stone wall to be forced open.

"I guess that'll do too." Dwalin snickered.

"Roar!" a roaring sound echoed from inside the stone hallway.

"What is that?"

"That,Bilbo,is why you're here."

Timeskip brought to you by Chara in a karate cloth.

The dwarve are waiting outside the mountain,waiting for Bilbo to bring them the Arkenstone.Chara with her sensitive hearing noticed that there was a beast in there with Bilbo.She was bored,so she rushed after Bilbo to 'help' him.When she got there,a giant lizard,breathing fire to Bilbo was there,a dragon.

Smaug the dragon noticed Chara's presence,and almost jumped. He turned his head,searching for the entity that is emitting such evil,dark energy.

"This will be fun." Smaug focused his gaze to the source of the voice and saw a figure jumping towards him.

" Smaug focused his gaze to the source of the voice and saw a figure jumping towards him

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"DIE!" he heard as an excruciating pain emerged from his right wing,it was teared.His hard,fortress like body was damaged easily by the strange figure.As he was about to roar in pain however,he felt his tail being pulled.

"Using soul magic is so good!"

The dwarves entered just in time to see Chara throwing Smaug against a pillar. She didn't give Smaug a chance to catch his breath at all.Chara used her knife to slash the air,leaving red floating marks,which began accelerating towards Smaug like a rocket.

Chara used her knife to slash the air,leaving red floating marks,which began accelerating towards Smaug like a rocket

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The Lord Of Chocolate:The Fellowship Of SweetsWhere stories live. Discover now