Chapter 13

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Naya was walking through the compound with Rebekah when she started to get dizzy

She had heard Rebekah calling out to her but she didn't respond because she couldn't

After a few minutes of her being dizzy she passed out with Rebekah yelling her name

Rebekah had brought Naya to the Mikaelson house and put her in her room

She had called Klaus and Elijah to come home because they weren't there she hadn't seen Hayley either

When they got there they were worried because they had never heard their sister so scared

"What is going on Sister" Klaus said

"So I was walking with Naya when she started looking pale and I saw her put her hand on her head so I started to say her name and ask if she was okay but she wouldn't answer me she didn't even look at me and she ended up passing out I didn't know what to do so I brought her here and put her in my room"

As soon as Rebekah said where she was Klaus sped up to her room to check on Santana

"Elijah where is Hayley"

Elijah looked over to her sister "She died she took poison to kill the baby and instead it killed both of them"

Rebekah then gasped "Wait do you think that had anything to do with Naya passing out"

Before Elijah could answer they heard Klaus calling for them

"What is it Nik" Rebekah said

Klaus looked away from Naya's stomach

"I don't know how this happened but I started listening for anything to see if she was still alive and I heard a heartbeat and it wasn't hers" Klaus said starting to panic

Elijah and Rebekah listened for it and heard it as well

"Omg that's why she passed out when Hayley died someone must have done a spell to transfer the baby into Naya"

Klaus looked at Rebekah "No that can't happen I already hurt her enough by sleeping with someone else and getting them pregnant now she has to carry the child that is the product of my infidelity"

"Niklaus if she doesn't want to carry the child what are you going to do" Elijah asked his brother

"Nothing it's her choice if she doesn't want to carry the child if I was her I wouldn't either but what if she does what's going to happen she obviously hates being in the same room as me how would we raise them together"

Elijah and Rebekah sighed "We don't know Nik but maybe this could be the start of rebuilding your relationship"

Klaus nodded "Maybe"

They all looked at Naya before Marcel and Davina burst through the doors

"Davina tell them what you did" Marcel said

Davina sighed "Look that child never belonged to Hayley the only reason they were able to have a child is because they witches wanted to get the originals into New Orleans the baby won't be Klaus and Hayleys child it will be Klaus and Naya's child they wanted a way to force Klaus back here and they obviously couldn't use Naya since she is a vampire and they had learned that Klaus had been with Hayley so they used her"

Davina took a break to see everyone's reaction and when no on said anything she continued

"They took Klaus and Naya's genes and DNA and then put the baby in Hayley and Hayley would have been the one to give birth to the baby but I had learned that Hayley took poison so before it reached the baby I put the baby in it's rightful place and instead of the poison killing the baby it killed Hayley"

She looked at Klaus who was just looking at Naya

"Wait so you're telling me that some witches made a baby with Klaus and Naya's DNA and put it in Hayley" Rebekah said

"How did they get their DNA" Elijah asked

Davina didn't say anything

"Go on Davina tell them" Marcel said

She nodded "They had Damon and Stefan Salvatore get Naya's blood and Klaus's blood"

Klaus looked up "Those Salvatores helped them" Klaus growled

"Nik don't if they didn't you wouldn't be having this miracle and you would never be able to get Naya to forgive you for sleeping with Hayley now you have a chance to get closer to her" Rebekah said

Klaus slowly nodded and then looked at Davina "You're the one who did the spell so when will she wake up" he asked

"In a few days her body as to her used to having the baby in there and I put someone in her mind to explain this all to her"

Elijah looked at her "Who"

Davina sighed "Her mother"

-Hope you guys liked it-

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