Chapter 38

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If Draco thought Hermione nervous about the dinner with the Weasleys, it paled in comparison to how out of sorts she seemed now. They would join her parents for Hermione's birthday dinner this evening and Hermione would be lucky if she had any nails left with the way she'd gnawed at them all day.

Contrary to her normally over-informative nature, Draco had been given a rather scant picture of what to expect from the Grangers.

"So what ah... exactly have you told them about me?"

Hermione's stare jerked up from the tea she'd been stirring idly for the last ten minutes.

"Oh! Well, my mum... she's known about you from the beginning, really. When we would chat about my week, I'd mention meeting with you in the morning. Apparently I mentioned you a lot," she broke off with a slight flush.

"Then when you sent the package of toothpaste for them at Christmas my mother launched a full-blown inquisition about you," she added with a laugh. "Which of course then Dad got involved. I told them we were seeing each other before we left for France."

Draco stared down at his hands. "Granger I think you know that's not what I was asking."

A few beats of silence and Draco found he still could not look up.

"They knew your name. When I told them... when I told them we were friends. My dad he—he had a lot of questions about you because he remembered your name. You have a rather unique name, especially in the Muggle world, it's not one you forget. He recalled you from letters I used to write home from Hogwarts."

Draco's head snapped up at that revelation.

"You wrote home about me?"

Hermione averted her eyes and Draco felt shame bloom in his chest at the guilty look that stole over her features. She opened her mouth to speak, but Draco beat her to it.

"Don't," he said harshly. "Don't apologize. I'm reaping what I've sown."

He stood abruptly and brought his empty tea cup to set in the sink. He leant on his forearms against the counter and stared out the little kitchen window, while he heard Hermione draw in a careful, measured breath behind him.

"They don't know about you from the war. My letters home after Fourth Year were... heavily edited to say the least. They just remember you as the boy who used to taunt me for my appearance and my—my heritage."

Draco bowed his head over the sink. I am okay with this.

"They don't know about your role in... they don't know anything about your parents either," she rushed out.

"Thank Merlin for small mercies," he said bitterly. Better her parents think him the former bigoted bully than the gullible moron who joined a murderous cult and watched their daughter tortured by his aunt in his own home.

Her small hand rubbed up his back then and he closed his eyes at the comforting touch he didn't deserve. "Please don't withdraw from me. Please Draco."

He turned to look at her and when she worried her bottom lip between her teeth he drew her into a tight embrace. Gods it was her birthday and she had to console his fragile feelings. I am okay with this.

"Any words of advice before I'm eviscerated by your parents?"

That earned him a weak chuckle. "Like I said earlier, I've apparently mentioned you quite a bit, so don't worry, I did talk up your good qualities. Just be yourself and they'll warm to you, I'm sure."

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