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Lauren's pov

I wake up and get ready, it was 5 am I let camila sleep longer while I got everything ready, I placed the bags by the door and cooked breakfast for everyone.

I then go wake camila up, I kiss her cheek and rub her sides.

"Baby, wake up" I whisper in her ear, she slowly does and cuddles me

"You big or little?" I ask, she shrugs to tired to know

"Okay, well can you go shower for me? Or do you want me to bath you?" I ask softly, she pokes my chest softly and I nod. I pick her up and grab a towel I run a bath, i cuddle her as it was filling up, when it was full I get her undressed and placed her in, i wash her as she leans against my shoulder.

When she was all cleaned, I get her out wrapping her in a towel, I take her to the bedroom laying her on the bed.

"Do you need a pull up?" I ask, she shook her head yawning and rubbing her eyes, I nod and dry her and get her dressed. Only in some leggings and a long sleeved t-shirt, it wasn't anything fancy but she was comfy.

"Okay, let's go eat" I say, I take her down seeing everyone already eating, I smile placing camila on a chair and we eat and talk.

I get a text and see it's from Simon

"A car is out front for you and camila"

"Okay, we've got to go a car is here for us" I say, they all hug camila and I saying goodbye and good luck, I grab the bags and camila opens the door, I see a black limo with two men stood by it.

"I guess it's that one" Camila said, I nod the one of the two men come grabbing the bags, I thank him and the other opens the door, I let camila in first them myself.

"Hey girls" I say, they smile

"Isn't this so cool!" Dinah said, I nod

"Sleepy" Camila said to me, she cuddles me and I wrap my arms around her.

"Little mila?" Ally asked, i shook my head

"No idea" I say, she smiles and I kiss camilas head

On the ride camila fell asleep

When we got to the air port I wake camila up and we get out, as we were walking there was a lot of people.

"Just keep walking girls" one of the men said, we nod and week walking as they make people move.

"Where's our bags?" I ask

"People are sorting them out for you" he said, I nod and he gets us on a plane

"Sit by here" he said, camila and I sit down her getting the window seat.

"You can go back to sleep if you like baby" I say, she leans over kissing me and I kiss her back, she then wraps her arms around me and I do the same.

On the flight to where ever we are going camila slept the whole thing, I would kiss her head every now and then.

When we land I wake camila up, she gets up as did the others, we walk off the plane with the two big guys again. They walk us to a car and we get in as people were taking photos, when we got in they did as well.

"Where's our bags?" I ask, they look up

"Again, someone is taking care of them" he said, I nod and look at camila who was a little scared

"W-where are we?" She asked, she looks out of the windows

"England" one of the guys said, we all nod softly

"Where are we going?" Normani asked

"A hotel" we all nod, camila moves closer to me and I kiss her head

"It's okay" I whisper in her ear, she nods and hides into me

Soon we get to a hotel and the big guys come up with another big up who has our bags, they show us to our rooms and placed the bags down in one.

"I guess this is mine and Camz" I say pointing to the big double bed, the big guys nod and camila smiles laying down pushing the bags to one side.

We all get our bags and the 3 girls Leave saying they're going to rest, camila and I say goodnight and I look at the big guys.

"We are also going to rest" I say, they nod

"I'm Dave, This is Steve and Jack, we are your bodyguards" one of the big guys say, I nod and look at Camz.

"Can we rest?" I ask, they nod and leave I lock the door and get dressed

"Come on baby, come get dressed" I say, she did and I place the bags on the floor and cuddle camila.

"This is really scary" she said, I nod

"It's okay though" I say, she nods and kisses me

"Night Lolo" she said, I hold her close

"Night camzi" I say, she falls asleep cuddling me and it didn't take long for me to go to sleep.

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