deadman eight.

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The mansion was still the same. A maze. A huge maze. But this time, it's more struggling with the men scattered around the place. It's harder for him to hide. His chances are behind the curtains only. Masaya's men didn't check the curtains cause they thought the ginger's not stupid enough to hide in their. But he take risks and didn't waste anymore chances.

" The kid escaped! Check all of the rooms and hallways!" A voice shouted from the other side of the huge, thick curtain. Shoyo kept his guard up, and his senses alert to all his surroundings. He fished out his phone in pocket, thankfully it didn't cracked while he was thrown, and checked the time. It's already dark outside but it's only 6 pm.

Soon, the footsteps faded and he can sense the hallway empty. Slowly and quietly, he peeked his head out the curtain, the hallway's empty, but he can tell the guys are still around near where he is. But it's better to take risks than slow himself down. He sprinted to the other side of the hallway, turning his head left to right and ran as fast as he could to the right. He stopped behind the wall as soon as he heard two pair of shoes ringing through another hallway just next to him.

Alright. This is it. Use your speed, Shoyo. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly with his eyes closed. His eyes shot open quickly and hastened to the hallway where he heard the footsteps. He saw only one man, and his back's facing him. He increased his speed and jump on the man's back, his right arm locked around the struggling man's neck while his left hand tightly covering his mouth. The man wiggled around, and Shoyo's eyes quickly noticed the gun still shoved inside the man's belt holster.

[ I'm not good with these killing scenes cause I'm not really good with describing it. So please bare with me.]

Struggle sure is real while he tried to get the man lose air, " I really don't want to kill a person. I'm sorry, man." he said near the man's ear, and it took all his force and effort to twist the man's neck. It's hard especially the man's neck is a hard muscle, but the guy's not expecting it cause he thought the redhead's just a kid and can't actually kill him.

The man dropped on the ground along with him on his back. He keep himself together, closing his eyes for a moment to take a deep breath again. I killed someone. I killed someone without actually killing them. This is reality. Get your shit together, Shoyo, and move. He inhaled and took the man's gun and ran off, leaving the man lying on the ground.

He huffed as he slow down his pace. He once again stopped behind the wall and peeked into the hallway. Empty. Where are they?

" There he is! Get him!" He whipped his head behind him and quickly depart from the wall and to the hallway. He immediately avoided the bullets that almost hit him. It hit the wall and the bullets hit one after another. When the men stopped firing, he immediately went out of the wall and he in turn started firing, the first and two bullets missed but he did not stop and gradually approached while still firing the gun. One bullet hit the right side of the man's body and the other hit the other man's shoulder.

It was just enough to stop the two from firing at him. He took another deep breath and pointed the gun at the man who had been hit in the shoulder, "I'm sorry." he said and fired the gun directly at the man's head. The man fell to the floor, motionless and lifeless. He pointed his gun at the man who had been hit in the body, and pointed the gun at the man's head. The man trembled and lowered the gun and raised his two hands, "Don't kill me, please. Don't kill me." the man plead tremblingly.

Slowly, he approached the man, his gun now pointed directly to the part where the man's heart is, " Then you shouldn't have killed Miss Tian." He said angrily, his voice was dark as his eyes were wide open staring into the man's eyes. The man could see the anger and sadness in his hazel eyes staring deep at his soul, " I lost yet again a mother, because of you." and he didn't hesitate to pull the trigger while his eyes stared straight at the man's soul. Yes, it was the two guys who killed Tian in front of him shamelessly.

His hand dropped to his side as he can feel himself crying again. Just the image of the old woman smiling at him in his head brought agony. He slowly picked up the gun the man dropped in front of him, and took the magazine to get the remaining bullets and stored it in his own. He took the other man's gun and shoved it in the back part of his pants.

He dried his tears and ran off.

The sound of chattering woke Kuroo up. He groaned as he felt the sudden pain in his neck. He blinked to clear his view and looked around. Atsumu groaned left beside him while Hanamaki's still knocked out cold right beside him. He whipped his head to the back seat, and saw the rest of them unconscious. But someone's missing.

" Hinata . ." he mumbled, which caught Rui's attention. He glance at him in the rear view mirror and focused on the road after, " Take it easy." he said.

" Where's Hinata?" he asked while sitting up properly, a groan left him as he rubbed his neck. Rui didn't answer him and was still focused on the road, but he noticed the peach-haired bit his lip.

" Oy, Rui. I asked where Hinata is." Rui frowned and glanced at him in the rear view mirror, " Be quiet and take it easy there. We're going to the airport."

" What the—Oy Rui. Don't avoid the question here and answer it properly, will you?!" Kuroo chided, which woke the others up, " I asked where Hinata is!"

Rui clicked his tongue, " They got him. He's back to that man's mansion! There! I answered it!"

Kuroo looked at him in disbelief, " You're kidding. Don't you fuck around, Rui."

" I would if I could fuck around, Tetsurou." Rui growled, and glared at him, " Shut up for a moment and take it easy there."

Kuroo gritted his teeth and glared back, " What the fuck's wrong with you? you're just gonna leave him there all alone?! you knew they took him back there and you're okay with it?!"

Rui snapped and abruptly stomped on the break, stopping the car in the middle of the road. It caused mess in the back seat as they were abruptly shoved forward. Kuroo looked up and was about to curse at the peach-haired, when his eyes meet the gun pointed to his head. Rui gritted his teeth hard as his eyes wide open, furiously glaring at him.

" Who said I wanted to leave him there alone? . . . who the fuck said I'm okay with it? . ." Rui unconsciously gripped the handle hard, his finger itching to pull the trigger as his anger's eating him up, " I was never okay with this from the start!" He cried out, " I was never okay with Hinata firing a gun. Because I don't want him to be like us criminals."

" But he did it to keep you guys safe."

The boy sitting beside him, who seemed to be older than him, patted his shoulder, " Calm down, Rui. Keep your promise."

Rui's jaw was hardly clenched as he lowered his gun, and turned back in front, " But even though he's already a gunman like us, he's still different from us all."

He placed his gun back beside him and gripped the wheel and started driving, " And I'm just fulfilling a promise here."

" I don't wanna join in but may I ask what promise are you talking about?" Hanamaki asked, even slightly raising his hand.

The boy sitting beside the driver's seat noticed Rui trying to calm himself from crying, so answered on behalf of Rui.

" He promised to the ginger head to take you back home." The boy answered [ Let's call him Cain ]. Cain answered and glance at Hanamaki, "This is the only thing he can do for the Japanese redhead."

Kuroo lowered his head, " Pass me the tissue."

Rui side-glanced quickly and passed the roll of tissue paper behind him, " What? you're crying? you're pretty sensitive."

" Shut up and drive."

Tendou leaned beside him and whispered to Ushijima, " I'm also getting emotional."

What's this? some kind of drama scene in a movie? Matsukawa can't help but asked himself that sarcastically.


thank you for reading

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